40 Essential SEO Terms Make Sure your Website’s Marketers Know



4 Jun, 2024



Have you decided to market your business website better with the power of SEO? Do you wish to get great results from your website in the form of top rankings, huge traffic & ROIs? And have you decided to partner up with a modern-age digital marketing firm for it? Yes? Great, you are closer to having great brand-building and profit generation. To get started, firstly, there is a little homework that you need to do to ensure all the practices are falling in the right place, you need to know 40 essential SEO terms and ensure your marketers also know about them very well - before finalizing them.

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40 Essential SEO Terms - Little SEO Glossary for You and Your Marketers

1. 301 Redirect --- “When you move your webpages to new location (permanently)”

301 redirect is used when the web page has been shifted to a new page. It is applied to help people navigate the new page where the old page has been moved. With this redirect, the users will move to the new page automatically, while search engines will also get the new page address for updating its indexing for page’s ranking.

301 Redirect

302 vs 301 Redirect

302 vs 301 Redirect

  • 302 redirects are also used to redirect visitors to the new page, however, they are temporary while 301 redirects are permanent.
  • So when 302 redirects are used? They are used when site owners want to redirect the website visitors for a temporary or shorter duration, like in the times when the site is undergoing major website redesigning, revamp, or is getting updated.
  • 301 redirect with htaccess is the permanent redirect of the page, when the old website content is moving to the new URL, merging websites, deleting old pages, changing domain names.

    2. Anchor Text --- “the colorful or underlined text you always feel like clicking at”

      What is an anchor text?

      Anchor Texts are the words that are clickable (when you hyperlink them) and are used to connect one page to another. Within a content, the anchor text appears to be colored as blue or maybe underlined.

      Anchor Text

      What is anchor Text’s use?

      Anchor texts help people relate to the page and also help the audience to know where they can find the other deep-rooted knowledge of that highlighted word. And lets search engines know what the destination/linked page is all about. It is good to have competitive or branded keywords included in the anchor text, as it would help with SEO benefits. 

      For example - If you write a blog all about Google ranking and have use of words like SEO, SERP, and you hyperlink them towards the pages that have more information about such terms in detail. The SEO & SERP term you would highlight and the hyperlink will be called Anchor Texts.

      Google ranking

      3. Alt Text or Tag --- “the description that defines your vivid pictures”

      Alt Text or Tag

      Search engines cannot read an image, they need alt text along with an image to understand it and fetch it against users’ queries.

      Alt tag or text is an image description that is submitted along with any image to have it read by search engines.

      If you are submitting a picture of a tree - an Alt Tag or Text would something be like:

      <img src=”tree.jpg” alt=”picture of a tree” />

      Alt tag helps search engines understand what the image and its page are all about. For better relevance and visibility, Alt tags are framed with target keywords. However, in case the images do not load due to slow internet or any page default, the alt tag helps the user know what the image is all about.

      Alt tag

      4. Canonical URL --- “that differentiates between your master copy & identical copy”

      It might be possible that your website's content is published over multiple or duplicate pages. To ensure that all the rankings and users’ attention does not go to these duplicate pages, a canonical tag helps to specify the initial or genuine page. Basically, this URL helps to identify the initially created page & its content amongst the other duplicate pages created.

      Search engines do not rank such duplicate pages, instead, they transfer all the rankings and users’ attention to the canonical page only. 

      Canonical URL

      5. Do-follow link ---- “when you want bots and people to follow you”

      Dofollow links are HTML attributes that allow search bots to follow the links placed in the web pages. These links pass the authority from the referring websites to the website that is linked. Doing this can help readers & search engines follow that linked website, which in return will increase your website’s page rank.

      These links help to pass on the SEO benefits to the hyperlinked websites and significantly helps such linked websites in improving their rankings in search engines.Do-follow link

      6. Deep Linking --- “the links that makes your users’ navigation very easy”

      Deep linking means using a hyperlink to link or point to the specific content of searchable or indexed pages on the website or the mobile app - rather than the homepage or main page. 

      Deep linking helps to retain the users for longer, enhances their experience and such links are likely to convert better than any links. Must have seen the websites applying deep linking to their table of content section - to help users navigate their way with ease or on the top-ranked search results showing additional content within the website.bing.com

      7. Keywords --- “the words you search over Google every time”


      Keywords are the search term over which users search for your website’s product/services. Keywords are generally of 9 types:

      • Long-tail keywords have 3-5 words in it & look like a phrase to read. Someone looking for “Gardening services near me” is a long-tail keyword.
      • Head term or short-tail - They are just words with 2-4 words and don’t look like a phrase (like in the above case). For example - Gardening Services.
      • Long-term keywords- Such keywords have higher competition and higher traffic and take a long time to rank.
      • Product defining keywords- Such keywords contain specific products, service on which users would like to acquire detailed knowledge on. Such as Scuba BCDS, Scuba Diving fins.
      • Geo-targeting keywords - Such keywords target a particular location and have no intention to target globally. Such as Website Designing Services Washinton.
      • Customer defining keywords - Such keywords are meant to describe & target a particular customer group. Such as Kid’s Bike, women’s clothing, etc.
      • LSI - keywords that are similar or in support of your primary keywords. Like your primary keyword is “Gardening”, its LSI could be “Gardening Services”, “Gardening Tools”, etc.

        8. LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) --- “The blue clickable terms at bottom of Google searches”

        LSI keywords are keywords that are similar or in support of your main keywords. They are usually placed in the content along with main keywords in natural or descriptive language.

        LSI keywords support your main keywords and help content & its page gets a good boost in the ranking.

        For example - If your main keyword is Gardening, your LSI keyword could be planting.

        LSI keyword

        Search engines make LSI a factor while considering representing your website against any user’s search terms - to judge the quality of the content on your page. With LSI, they aim to check for the words that must appear alongside the main or primary search term or keyword.

        9. Meta Description --- “the crisp summary of webpages”

        It is a short description of a landing page that you see in the search engine results. You will see the description with a broad title colored in blue called Meta Title. Search engines display the meta descriptions which contain the users searched keywords or search terms. The Metas helps the users to decide whether they want to click-through and read it in full depth or not.

        Meta Description

        A Meta description is a tag that is 155-160 characters long and helps in summarizing the landing page  - more of what type of content or information users can expect ahead. A meta description is about four great things - right page description, proper keywords, right CTA, and active voice that could look communicative to the users.

        10. Link Building --- “where everyone is linking to each other”

        Link building is a process where you post or publish your website’s related content along with your landing page’s link to the third party popular readership sites like Medium or EzineArticles to gain backlinks. Links exchange between websites is called inbound linking (when you are getting backlinks from third party sites), outbound linking (when you are linking to third-party sites. Internal linking is a process where you link all the website’s subpages only.

         By having unbroken and effective outbound and inbound linking, you prove search engines that your website is of sheer quality and relevance, and is worth representing against the users’ searches in SERP.

        11. Natural Links --- “when you want others to link to you without asking”

        When you write a remarkable & authoritative content and it goes viral, and different platforms start linking their write-up towards your page or content posts - that is called natural linking. By winning more natural links you prove search engines that you post quality content and in the long run, your rankings & traffic don’t easily decline even when there is a change in Google algorithms.Natural Links

         Natural links can be earned by writing unique and authority content on self websites or other third-party guest post sites and by increasing its awareness by social media platforms. Once you get natural links from a variety of web sources, you get:

        • Higher visibility over SERP
        • Capture more traffic & visitors
        • New relationship & engagement
        • Great brand awareness
        • Increased credibility as a high authority website

          12. Off-page SEO & On-page SEO --- “the methods that helps you rank & gain traffic”

          Off-page SEO & On-page SEO

            SEO is search engine optimization that is done to make the website rank higher in Google’s top pages. There are two types of SEO practices - one is on-page SEO and the other is off-page SEO.

            • On-page SEO - Optimization activities done in direct context with the website’s moderations - done directly over landing pages.
            • Off-page SEO - Optimization activities that are done outside the main web page, on the third-part readership sites or listing sites.

            Both the combination of SEO activities are immense to boost the website’s SEO ranking and traffic generation.

            13. SERP --- “the page you see when you hit that Google Search button”

            SERP stands for search engine result pages. Right after you search a term or keyword, in response, you get redirected to a page which is called SERP -  which contains almost 10 responses for your single query.

            Google's SERP (Search engine result page) shows various elements like a featured snippet box, an FAQ section, images, shopping results, ads, maps, and websites meta content related to the search terms. 

            Every digitized business’s aim is to have its website on the first three organic spots of the first page of SERP. These are the areas where users mostly stay and open the content for further information..SERP

            14. White Hat SEO --- “that ethical practice which every website should adopt”

            As opposed to black hat SEO (a penalized set of SEO practices), white hat SEO practices are highly promoted by the search engines. They are a fair set of SEO efforts that abide by the search engine’s algorithms and do not manipulate it to get the top rankings.

            Difference between Black Hat SEO and White Hat SEOBlack Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO

            15. XML sitemap --- “a compact roadmap to your web pages”

            XML sitemap

            Just like the maps, an XML sitemap is a map consisting of different URLs or pages or sections that your website contains. Having an updated sitemap helps with faster indexing and ranking.

            An XML sitemap is a roadmap of the websites which leads the search engines like Google to important web pages. XML sitemaps are essential for SEO as they help crawlers or bots easily identify the pages - what they are, where they are, for crawling & ranking very easily.

            An XML sitemap is a complete list that contains your website page’s URLs as well as other details like - metadata (heading, description) of each URL along with their time of the last update or so. The sitemaps tell search engines which pages are available when to crawl for further indexing and ranking process. Once you upload the new website’s sitemap or upload the updated one for an old website with new pages - the crawlers can take time to read it as less as 4 days up to as long as 6 months. 

            16. Crawling, Indexing, Ranking --- “the practices with which you see your website in Google”

            crawl, index, rank

            Crawling is a first step where the search engine’s bots analyze & gather the web pages information for indexing and ranking. Indexing is where all the collected information about web pages is gathered in a sequence (just like the book contains an index), and ranking is a process where your web pages appear in the SERP (we learned that above).

            What is Web Crawling?

            • Crawling is a process where search bots rummage around the website and its content as articles, images, links, product pages, etc over WWW (World Wide Web).
            • Search engine bots are also called crawlers that decide on which website with its content or elements are supposed to be scrolled and for how long. 
            • The crawlers on finding the new page links put them into the list of “
              To-be crawled URLs”.
            • The crawlers take the page’s information and ensemble them into the databases.
            • It may take up to 4 days and up to 6 months for a web page to be crawled by Google bots and to attribute authority to such domain pages.<ahref="0">Web Crawling

            What is Web Indexing?

            • Once the crawlers gather all the information, it gets all organized in a search engine’s index. 
            • The pages in the index are stored and measured in terms of their reliability and relevance in comparison to other similar websites.
            • It takes a minimum of 4 days and a maximum of 4 weeks to index a newly registered web page by the Google bots.<ahref="0">Web Indexing

            What is Google Ranking?

            So Google Crawling and Indexing are the BTS (behind the scenes), whereas, the ranking part is the most visible one, which website owners can see.

            • So once you have your website indexed and live on search engines, you just have to do great SEO to make the web page, blog post, or product pages you worked on getting a better positioning or ranking than your competitors.
            • Once the user enters the desired keyword over Google, the search engine will look for the search term in its comprehensive index pages for the world & its entire content similar to the searched term.
            • If you have all the ranking factors in alignment with that of Google’s preferences, you will get to see the great rankings during the search results.
            • Remember! Google considers giving a page score based on 200 different ranking factors - if your web page is clear, you will enjoy great or even first page rankings.

            Want to Setup A Google Analytics Account For Website?

            • Optimize Your Website Ranking
            • Decrease the Bounce Rate
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            • Track Online Traffic

            17. Robot.txt --- “that tells search engines about which page to access & index”

            Robots.txt is a file that notifies search engines about which pages to crawl and rank. You wouldn’t want every web page to rank - as not every page has information that’s worth ranking - like your contact pages or so. So you can enable this file for the pages you want to notify search engines about.Robot.txt

            Robots. txt files are placed in the sitemap - where only the pages in the sitemap that are meant to be crawled & indexed are added. The robots.txt files are smaller than 500KB as Google can process only this much size of the file. The robots.txt files are placed at the root of the host to which it applies. 

            For example - Suppose you have a web page with a URL called - http://www.example.com/, to ensure its crawling, you need to place the robot.txt file at the end of the above URL as - http://www.example.com/robots.txt.

            18. HTML --- “the language on which your web pages are based”

            The code part of your website that search engines read and crawl. It is advisable to keep the HTML codes as clean and less complicated as possible so that search engines could have an easy time accessing them.


            19.Title Tags (H1, H2, H3…) ---- “that gives title to your webpages”

            Title tags are one of the most important SEO ranking factors that tell visitors what the page & its content is all about. The title that you see on the above of your meta description (explained above) and on top of the content page is called a title tag. 

            H1, H2, H3

            Heading tags indicate different headings on a web page and helps with improving accessibility and readability on the page. Heading tags are too important for SEO ranking. The main heading on a web page is called H1 tag (heading 1 ) which is the main biggest heading, and the main heading’s subheadings are called - H2, H3, H4, or so.

            H2, H3, H4

            20. Website Structure ---- “everything has a structure, even your websites”

            A website structure is a setup of your website that defines the connectivity of your pages or subpages. A simplified website structure with clear navigation and look & feel allows the web crawlers to easily access the website for indexing.

            The Hierarchical website structure is the most commonly utilized structure of a website. 

            • Hierarchical Website Structure- Hierarchies structure is best for websites with complex and large bodies of information. Here websites are usually organized around the main home page of a website which leads to further subpages or subtopics.

            Having a unified, clean-coded, optimized, and user-friendly website structure is important as it helps with both improved search engine visibility and user experience.

            21. Google Sandbox --- “People says it exists, but Google says it doesn’t”

            Google Sandbox is an index that keeps the newly created websites separately. The new websites are stored in the Sandbox and don’t move from here until they are not proved to be legitimate or authentic.

            Note - However, Google never confirmed its Sandbox feature but SEO & marketer suspects that new sites don’t get preference in Google’s top results.

            22 . PPC (Pay-per-click) --- “the largest advertising model we have”

            A kind of paid ad campaign, in which you have to pay each time the user clicks-through the ad. These ads rank higher in the SERP and are good for getting fast rankings and reach.  

            PPC helps to display your ads in the most effective online places, where users' eyes could see. When you want the fastest leads and ROI, PPC is the best option to pick.

            23. Search Algorithm --- “Google's ranking systems use a search algorithm”

            A search algorithm is a mathematical calculation or formula that decides the order of the content or websites to be viewed against a searched user keyword or search terms by users. 

            How does Google’s search algorithm work?

            Google's search algorithm helps searching out the Web pages that contain the keywords users searched for, then assigns a rank to each page based on several factors, like how many times the keywords appear on the page, etc. 

            Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times that impacts the search results in significant ways - which is done to help users always find the best information or result.

            24. Ranking Factors --- “Some 200ish factors that every website wants to get it right”

            Ranking factors are conditions whose effectiveness decides whether the website will rank in SERP or not. These factors are counted usually as - content quality, backlinks, keyword density, domain age, page speed, UX, mobile responsiveness, optimized content, and more.

            There are around 200 Google Ranking Factors that a web page needs to make sure of. Here are the 9 powerful ranking factors that accelerate the web pages ranking.

            • Content Quality - To make your content rank, it needs to be in-depth around the subject expertise, must usher great value to the user, have a balanced ratio of visual content. Updating old content as per new trends is another best way to make old content worth reading and ranking.
            • Backlinks - Backlinks are one of the strongest ranking signals in Google’s search algorithm. Multiple backlinks from different related high-authority domains increase the ranking chances on top keywords.
            • Mobile-First - Google supports rankings based on the website’s compatibility which makes it important to give every new to old website mobile responsiveness without a fail.
            • Page Speed - Websites page speed is quite important for ranking, websites with slow page speed face a harder time in ranking at top of SERP.
            • Schema code - Schema markup code on websites help search engines get a better understanding of specific information such as business addresses, phone numbers, reviews, and more - which further helps in ranking.
            • Domain Name & age - Domain with extended age or expiration and name similar to the search query or business type gets high priority in the top page rankings.
            • Traffic from branded websites - The websites with more traffic from branded & heavy traffic websites like Quora, Pinterest, Reddit, Facebook get high priority in the ranking process.
            • Migrating to HTTPS - “Security is a top priority for Google '', thus, pages that have the major shift to HTTPS from HTTP get to see ranking preference.
            • UX - A website with rich functionality and features gets to see the great preference during the ranking process.Ranking Factors

              25. Search Results --- “the results you see once you hit that Google Search button”

              Search Results

              The results that appear on the SERP (search engine result pages) in the form of textual content, video, snippet box, and more upon user’s searches are the search results. If you search for “Best Digital Marketing Company” over Google, the page and its content that you get in response to your query are called Search results.

              26. Bounce rate --- “the only thing you wouldn\\\'t want for your website in excess”

              Bounce rate

              Bounce rate is several people who have ditched the website session within a few seconds - without giving the website a further look or scroll. Bounce rates are common but they become critical when they grow in percentage. A bounce rate above 80 can impact the website’s performance in the search engine ranking.

              • As a rule of thumb, a bounce rate between 26 to 40% is considered great for any website. Whereas, 44-56% is considered quite average. 
              • A bounce ranging between 50-70% is considered above average and is often not a cause of concern.
              • However, if a website sees a bounce rate of above 70 or 80, this can be a cause for worry.

              The higher bounce rate reflects that something is up with your website - its everything is quite breaking, from UI to UX to content to poor loading speed to cluttered or irrelevant multimedia to everything - which needs immediate attention.

              27. Call to action (CTA) --- “the  phrases or words that triggers your audience to buy from you”

              Call to action (CTA)

              An instruction in the form of conclusion statements or buttons all over the website’s content defining or persuading users to take the next best action or step. Asking to buy now, download the case studies, get your quotes now are all forms of Call to action (CTA) that create a path for users on “what to do next”.

              A CTA is important on the website, ad campaigns, emails, anywhere businesses are targeting their sales propositions. A rich and compelling CTA guides users very well in their buying journey and it even directly accelerates the conversion rates. An effective CTA has the power to draw visitors massively, piquing their interest, and incline them towards the ultimate product buying process.

              A CTA should be simple to understand and follow. A user should easily know what action they need to perform next. 

              28. Click-Through Rate (CTR) --- “the clicks you get on your ads”

              The percentage of people who click on a link of your ad to view it is called click-through rate (CTR). Higher your CTR, higher will be your organic search rankings and conversion rates.

              A CTR is a ratio of the number of times your ad is clicked to the number of times it was shown - which is called impressions. If you receive 6 clicks on an ad and its impression is 100, your CTR would be 6%.CTR

              The more the CTR rate you achieve, it explains that you’ve targeted the right people, your copy is interesting for the target to explore and click to. However, if you get a lower CTR rate, it stands clear that your ads and its copies are either not very persuasive or don't resonate with the needs of the users you targeted.

              29. Conversion Rate --- “the thing which you definitely want in excess”

              Conversion rate is the number of people who click on an offered action within your website to get closer to sales or ultimately close down the sales cycle. A number of people clicking on ads, downloading case studies, processing the shopping cart checkout, filling the lead forms are all forms of different conversion rates on a website. 

              How do you calculate conversion rates?

              Conversion rates are calculated as the number of conversions divided by the number of interactions or clicks on the ads or CTA elements.

              For example - If you run an ad, and see 50 conversions from there, and while people interacted on that ad were 1000, so your conversion rate can be calculated as:

              Conversion rate = Number of Conversions

                                            ---------------------------------       X 100 

                                             Number of people interacted 

              So from the above example & formula, here your conversion rate would stand out as 50/1000 *100 = 5%.

              30. Content Syndication --- “Yes you can re-publish content but…”

              Content Syndication

              A process of re-publishing the original content in the form of blogs, infographics, videos to third-party sites like Medium, is called content syndication. The effort is done to make most from the content and boost its reach to wider audiences. Placing a canonical link along with syndicated content won’t drive your rankings to these third-party websites.

              The purpose of  powerful content syndication is to:

              • Increase brand’s online traffic or presence
              • Boost website traffic
              • Improve conversions & lead generation
              • Reach widespread communities & audience
              • Nurture brand prospects
              • Create brand thought leadership

                31. Structured Data/Schema --- “that helps in displaying your web pages easily”

                Structured data or schema markup is a type of code that allows search engines to crawl, index, and display your content easily. Structured data or schema narrates to search engines what your data means and is all about. Adding a schema code to HTML helps your website improve the way search engines read and represent your web page in the SERP. 

                Schema or schema.org is a semantic vocabulary of tags also called microdata that is added to the HTML - to make the data easy for the search engines to read and represent. Schema helps in enhancing the snippets in the meta description to increase its click-through. Schema is used by every major search engine we have - Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex. 

                Structured Data/Schema

                There are 100s of markup types - from medical dose schedules to toy stores. Schema makeup helps websites rank easily for any type of content be it - Restaurants, local businesses, books reviews, articles, movies, software applications, events, and so on.

                32. Email marketing --- “when you send emails to prospects that converts”

                Email is a core part of marketing as it is effective in distributing content and engaging the audience via the mailbox. Email marketing efforts are done to improve the website’s performance in search engines. To increase the SEO efforts, best practices are done to integrate search engine and email marketing for better results collectively.

                When you integrate search engine and email marketing, you get:

                • Qualified traffic
                • Targeted content strategy
                • Quality and long term customers base

                There are three types of email marketing:

                • Email newsletters - Such emails are sent to increase brand recognition and awareness and contain resources like important account information, promotional messages, product updates, etc.types of email marketing
                • Transactional emails - Such emails contain promotional and branding-focused campaigns and help with customer engagement. Such emails contain elements like receipts, invoices, billing statements, order confirmations, etc. Transactional emails
                • Behavioral emails - Such emails run more on personalization and are tailored according to the buyer’s persona and their buying habit. They contain elements like site welcome/onboarding, shopping cart reminders, product recommendations, free trial expiry, password renewal reminders, purchase anniversary renewal, product review requests, etc.Behavioral emails

                  33. Cost per click --- “the cost you pay at each click on ad”

                  The CPC is the price you pay on every clicked ad. The CPC helps to identify whatever you are spending on each ad click is worth paying or not - as in, are you getting enough quality leads or traffic in response to it or not.Cost per click formula

                  CPC is the ratio of the total cost of your clicks and the total number of clicks. The calculated CPC you will get is the real amount you paid for a click on your ad. CPC can be calculated for ads displayed on search engines, Google Display Network for AdWords, social media platforms, and others. A 20% CPC rate is considered good for businesses. 

                  34. Dwell Time --- “how long does your user hold on to your website?”

                  It is the total time users spend over your website, right after clicking for your website in the SERP. A minute or more than two minutes is generally considered as a good dwell time which explains that users have consumed your content quite well. 

                  Dwell Time

                  Dwell time or users’ average time on page defines how your website content, its elements are standing relevant to the users. It tells whether users liked what they see or not. 

                  A dwell time less than a minute or explains that your website did fail to entice the visitors from the SERP - either due to the bad headline, content, poor linking, theme, popups or so. 

                  However, search engines don’t take dwell time as a direct ranking factor but with this time, they do decide whether the website is made of great quality & relevance for search users or not - is it worth showing in the search results anywhere at all or not.

                  But if you cross a dwell time beyond 2 minutes and go as long as good continuous 15 minutes, you prove search engines that your website is relevant and people find what you say and deliver to be of great value.

                  35. Google Algorithms --- “the principles which Google owns”

                  They are a set of principles or commands that define criteria of web pages that will present upon the user’s specific searches. Companies don’t prefer to make the exact algorithm public but there are a few elements that we are sure for a fact to have an impact on a page’s ability to appear in the results for particular keywords:

                  • The number of organic links to the page
                  • The appearance of the keywords in the page’s title, header tags, and meta descriptions.
                  • The performance of the website on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

                    36. Content Marketing - “the phase where you create content that stimulates users’ buying interest”

                    Content Marketing is a part of the whole marketing approach that defines the path of creating and distributing high-quality, valuable, user-centric, and authorized content to attract, inform, engage, and convert a user into either a keen reader or valuable customer to drive profitable action.Content Marketing

                    Content marketing is a process of planning and deploying high-authority, fresh, and user-centric content pieces in forms of blogs, articles, snippets, infographics or so.

                    It helps to improve conversions as it allows websites to connect & educate its leads and customers. Not only it builds trust and relationships by engaging customers, but also encourages conversions by giving consumers the information they really need to make a rational purchasing decision.

                    37. ROI (Returns on Investment) --- “the sum you get on what you invested”

                    ROI or return on investment is a ratio that calculates profitability against each expenditure incurred. While performing SEO tasks, it is a must to know the ROI. A great ROI means the investments you did in optimization practices have got you great returns more than the costs you put.

                    Though SEO practices don’t directly cause your brand to get revenue, it is a way via which users get to know about your brand and thus, further based on what you offer, decides to buy from you. So ROI is more like a business term, but you can involve it while dealing with SEO practices too. ROI (Returns on Investment)

                    For example, If you spend USD 1500 in SEO practices, you should calculate how much returns such cost injected is getting you as business revenue. Knowing the SEO ROI will help you know whether you are on the right track or not.

                    38. Paid searches & organic searches --- “acts of getting the converting leads”

                    Paid searches are paid rankings or results that appear on top of the SERP, organic searches are the rankings or results that appear after paid searches and anywhere in the result pages of search engines.Paid searches & organic searches

                    The difference between the paid searches and the organic searches is the “cost”. Organic searches are unpaid rankings or results in the search results, whereas, paid searches results in paid rankings or results in search results. 

                    Businesses make use of organic searches and paid searches to get qualified and consistent leads. 

                    39. Duplicate Content --- “Which knowingly you should never produce”

                    Similar content on two or more than two different web sources is called duplicate content. A copied or duplicate content is offensive for search engines - doing this severely penalizes the website in the form of - poor ranking, page deletion, and more. Duplicate Content

                    Duplicate content - either created purposely or non-purposely can confuse the bots as on which out of two identical page content to pick for ranking. In such an event, there is a great possibility that original content will have to meet the odds. However, if by mistake you create or choose to create duplicate pages - you can use canonical tags to the preferred URL of the content - this way your rankings would get redirected to the page you put the canonical URL on.

                    Duplicate Content editor

                    40. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) --- a house where SEO & paid search activities lives together”

                    Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

                    A set of organic SEO activities and paid search activities that are done to increase the website’s visibility over SERP.

                    SEM is internet marketing that aims at increasing the website’s visibility in SERP through a combination of advertising tactics and organic search engine results. SEM includes SEO and key marketing tactics as well.

                    SEM or Search Engine Marketing is of two types - PPC (Pay per click) and Local and Organic SEO.

                    • PPC - is an internet marketing model, where you pay for the published ads, each time visitors click on it. It is more like paying for visitors when your brand has an outright need to expand its value. However, it is short-term oriented.
                    • Organic or local SEO - it is a process, in which you make your brand strive to come in top searches of a SERP. More like in the first three results on SERP, right after paid ads are ending. The process is good when long-term visibility is needed

                    Final Thoughts

                    We just discussed the 40 essential SEO terms that are important for you and your marketers to know before starting your website’s optimization & marketing in search engines. Every discussed term has a vital contribution to generating great outcomes for your website. 

                    These are just 40, there are hundreds of other terms that you need to know before starting the work collaborating with your digital marketing company.

                    Looking for SEO Services to Rank Higher?

                    • Enhance Brand Awareness
                    • Increase Website Traffic
                    • Increase Leads and Organic traffic
                    • Reach Potential Audience

                    JanBask - Author

                    A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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