Grow Your Channel With 11 Proven Tips On How To Increase Views On YouTube!


 1 Nov, 2021

Grow Your Channel With 11 Proven Tips On How To Increase Views On YouTube!


YouTube has always provided a source of entertaining content and has been a crowd favorite with people watching 1 billion hours of video daily! 

But over the years it has also gained momentum in becoming an essential marketing tool. It’s not just a social media network or an online video platform. Because it offers countless marketing opportunities especially when your audience is there but your competitors aren't. However, YouTube marketing is a tough nut to crack. With over 2 billion monthly users globally, and more than 500 hours of video getting uploaded every minute, your hopes of getting views or likes is easier said than done.

Relax, you are not alone. This is a concern that has crippled a lot of internet marketers, especially the ones who are new to the YouTube world. YouTube has an important parameter that defines how successful your video content is and that is the number of YouTube ‘views’ on your content. The “views” show if your content was able to generate interest in the audience and get their attention or not.

  • So how can you make a video that creates a storm of hype by reaching the essential target audience? 
  • How can you stand apart from the oceans of videos floating in the YouTube world? 

Well, for starters, you need an impeccable YouTube marketing plan and some effective tips on how to increase views on YouTube videos, and in this blog, we will give just that. 

Are you ready to create hype with your video? Read on!

Interested in Boosting Your YouTube Views?

  • Higher Subscriber Growth
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Increased Revenue Potential

Let’s Know A Bit About YouTube Views: How are They Calculated?

Before we share some of the Pro tips to help you know how to increase views on YouTube, first let’s discuss the basics like “What counts as a view and what not?” Let’s see a few interesting facts about the popularity of YouTube:

  • YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website
  • YouTube is also the second-most used social platform
  • People watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube every day
  • 40.9% of YouTube watch time happens on mobile
  • Globally, the videos with the titles “Beginners” got more than 9 billion views in 2020
  • 50.9% of B2B decision-makers use YouTube to research purchases

The Ultimate 11 Tips On How To Increase Views On YouTube Free!

We all know YouTube has become a popular choice for marketing and to gain maximum traction from it, you need to have the significant engagement of viewers as in views and subscribers. The purpose of every video you upload on Youtube is to be seen, so if you don’t get enough views on your video content, it’s really not serving its purpose. So here we are going to discuss one of the best 11 tips on how to increase views on YouTube free and two bonus tips to get more views with money. These are:

Ready? Let’s discuss how to increase views on youtube video hack in detail:

1. Set Your Goals

Before you start your YouTube channel or start creating content for your channel, it’s necessary that you find the main objective behind having a YouTube channel. When you are done deciding why you want to create content, it helps you stay focused on the video’s script and strategy to deliver it. So ask yourself these questions while setting a goal:

  • Is it about growing brand awareness? 
  • Is it about promoting your products? 
  • Is it about driving inbound website traffic? 
  • Do you want to give your audience a deep look into how you work & your brand story?

2. Know Your Target Niche

    Knowing your target audience is an essential part of marketing to narrow down your focus on what your users want so you can get views & engagement. You cannot upload random videos, hoping to increase views on YouTube. Your content needs a story & an intent. Once you have a niche, you can create content that is being eagerly consumed by your audience, get your desired engagement, and grow faster. You can utilize YouTube Analytics to understand the audience demographics, location, engagement, and other important stats.

    Here are some popular niche that have great popularity and get good viewership, which you can explore as well:

    • How To’s
    • Product Reviews
    • Industry Expert’s Interviews
    • Educational Videos
    • Tech Tutorials
    • Motivational Videos
    • Insightful Commentary on Industry-related topics

    3. Keep Your Youtube Basics Up To The Point

    It’s true that anyone can create and publish videos on YouTube easily but it’s really not that easy to increase views on YouTube. There are certain basics that you need to get right in order to gain exposure which YouTube gives you. And you cannot create an amazing video or increase views on YouTube videos with little or no knowledge of how it works. So here are a few points that you need to focus on before you publish videos:

    • Boost your click-through rate with a compelling title
    • Create an eye-catching thumbnail pictures (around 1280 pixels by 720 pixels)
    • Have an up and running website presence (to gain authority & drive users attention)
    • Write an enticing ‘About’  and ‘Channel’ description (with relevant keywords in it)
    • Get more suggested views by leveraging series playlists (you can add as much as 5000 videos in a single playlist, that’s huge right?)
    • Make videos about topics people are searching for (like fortnite is the most searched topic right now)

    4. Make High-Quality Content

    If you want to know how to increase views on YouTube, then you should also know how to create content that nobody else is making. You have to provide value through your content, this is the way you make your audience watch and watch all the way through more views and greater engagement. So figure your content marketing strategy for YouTube. Create and publish engaging, unique, and meaningful content and do it consistently. When you continually publish relevant and meaningful content, it makes your viewers keep coming to you and also helps you rank well in Google as well as YouTube search results.

    5. Always Keep Your Video SEO In Mind

    You should not only promote your YouTube channel with SEO in mind but you also create content for search engine results. You should particularly focus on content that is about product reviews, how-to’s, and tutorials videos and cover keyword-specific topics that usually rank well in SERPs. You can follow these points to optimize your video for getting a higher rank:

    • Develop an interesting, eye-catchy title but not lengthy more than 5-6 words
    • Creatively use your thumbnails & have them work in tandem with your video content
    • Place the keyword in the title, preferably at the beginning
    • Ensure you’re using target keywords in your video description
    • Use video tags to target your primary keywords as well as other closely related keywords

    6. Take Advantage of Cards & End Screen

    A YouTube Card is a banner-like notification that displays at the top right corner of your video and indicates your viewers to watch a related video. An End Screen is also meant to direct your viewers to watch a related piece of content and it appears as your video ends. Usually, marketers use End Screen to encourage viewers to subscribe. Both Cards & End Screen not only help you capitalize on high user engagement but you can promote another video without impacting the viewer's experience. And yes, you might be self-promoting but you are also recommending your viewers to content that can benefit them. It’s a win-win scenario.

    7. Boost Engagement With Calls To Action

    It’s very common for YouTube marketers to ask for engagement to get your video noticed, especially when you are new to YouTube marketing. After all, not everyone who watches your video is going to ‘like’ or ‘hit the bell icon’ immediately, so naturally, you can put up reminders for the same with CTAs. You can either create CTAs at the end of your videos asking your audience to like, comment, or subscribe or you can ask them to watch a relevant video. So, create simple, minimal & short CTAs and see a boost in your ranking, engagement, and audience. 

    8. Cross-Promote Your YouTube Videos 

    When you create a lot of videos, there are chances that some of your videos' themes, content or messaging will overlap with each other. You can make the most of your old video when you cross-promote your videos at the end screen or ‘related videos’ feature. Additionally, you can promote your YouTube videos by posting a snippet of it on other social media platforms. Or embed your YouTube videos on your website content and funnel your on-site or social traffic to YouTube and increase your views on YouTube organically.

    9. Know When to Publish Your Videos

    In order to get the maximum likes, comments, or views, you need to cash in on your audience's attention by publishing at ‘their’ time. How do you know their optimal time? YouTube considers days and hours while tracking when your target audience is watching your videos. So, it’s important that you also find out “when your viewers are online on YouTube.” Doing so will help you identify peak time to publish content so that viewers can discover your videos, eventually increasing views on YouTube. But do keep in mind to publish an hour or so before the peak time, rather than at the peak time as your viewers need enough time to find your videos.

    10. Engage With The Youtube Community

    YouTube has a thriving community where users engage via content, profiles, likes, and comments. It might not be as appealing as Instagram or Facebook engagement activities but as a business, you should interact with them there. Why? One, it allows you to foster strong connections with your audience, shows that you care about, and also gives your brand exposure. And if you enjoy more than 1000 subscribers then you can make it more engaging for your community with YouTube’s community tab feature, which allows you to:

    • Create polls to find other topic ideas
    • Host Q&As sessions
    • Create community posts
    •  Share relevant videos or live streams

    All this naturally enhances your users’ viewing experience, engagement and helps you increase views on YouTube and get a boost in subscribers.

    11. Track Performance And Improve Key Metrics 

    You should always track your progress, it not only helps you know what is working and whatnot. You cannot have content running on YouTube without knowing about the size of your active subscribers, the number of times your video thumbnails were shown, or for how long your viewers actually stopped to watch. There are a few video metrics that can help you decipher your video’s performance and understand where you need to work: 

    • View Count: It tells you a rough calculation of how many times your video has been watched by the audience.

    • Play Rate: It is the percentage of page visitors who actually clicked ‘play’ and started watching your video.

    • Engagement: It shows how much of your video a viewer has watched, while average engagement is also indicated by percentage and shows you how much of your video all viewers watched on average. 

    • Social sharing: It shows how many people are sharing your video content, calculated on the basis of number of shares across social media platforms.

    • Click-Through Rate: A CTR gives you an estimation of how successful your video is with compelling viewers to take action.

    • Conversion Rate: It shows you the number of leads or customers that you have gained because of video content.

    • Feedback: It’s not counted in numbers but is qualitative data to give you an idea of how viewers respond to your video content via comments or likes.

    You should also use YouTube Analytics to get a better understanding of your video and channel performance.

    Bonus Tip: How to Promote YouTube Videos With Money

    12. Email Marketing

    Email marketing is a vital tool in helping you build a relationship with your audience that goes beyond the video likes and comments. If you can integrate YouTube with your email marketing, not only you can migrate subscribers into your business funnels, you can also increase views on YouTube videos. So do these steps and see a significant increase in your views & connect with your subscribers:

    • Use your email subscribers list to spread the news about your YouTube channel & videos. 
    • Ensure to have an appealing intro and outro in the video and get them acquainted with your email list and ask them to subscribe.
    • Offer free incentives, engaging & valuable content so that your YouTube viewers are willing to click on the video link.
    • Utilize the “video upon click-through” feature to integrate YouTube links within your emails. This approach creates an image that displays a large play button, looking like an embedded video in your email message. So, when your recipients click the play-button “link,” they are redirected to your YouTube channel to view the video.

    13. Advertising

    If you have the budget, then you can reap benefits and get more views by paying for it. YouTube advertising is an excellent option. All you need to do is to target keywords on YouTube that already have high watch time as you don’t just want ‘views’ but you are looking for ‘engaged views.’ So follow these points to ensure you get the maximum out of YouTube ads:

    • Keep the advertisement small, 30 to 60 seconds to be precise.
    • Provide a clear, concise call to action.
    • Utilize TrueView In-display ads as it recommends videos and other suggested videos on the right side & get your video marketed.
    • Display ads that share some theme, context or messaging similar to your video content.

     If you want to bridge the gap between your content and viewers, reach out to us, we know how YouTube works!

    4 Reasons You’re Not Getting YouTube Views (And How to Fix Them)

    Now you know some of the most effective ways on how to increase views on YouTube, let’s know why you will not get YouTube views and how you can fix the issues. Here they are:

    • You’re Not Targeting The Right Audience

    Just because your video is out there on YouTube doesn’t necessarily mean it’s getting delivered to the right audience. Your video needs to reach the targeted audience from the beginning to generate engagement, conversion or else it’ll be lost somewhere due to the YouTube algorithm, suppressing your future views. To define, understand & find your audience before you create content & remember: targeted content=lesser competition=more engagement & conversions.

    • Your Videos Are Not Optimized

    To get prospective customers, higher user engagement, and a better search presence on YouTube, your video needs to be found by your targeted audience quickly. Uploading your video to YouTube, even an excellent video content will not bring you the desired result if you don’t focus on the key components of the video like keywords, tagging, custom thumbnails, channel art, video tagging & description, and SEO. These components help you be discovered on YouTube as well as Google searches get you more views and will drive more traffic to you.

    • Not Optimizing Videos For Social Sharing

    With so many powerful social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, it’s a waste of free resources to promote your content if you aren’t promoting your videos on social media. There are over 4.48 billion social media users worldwide, so you need to leverage the power of social media to increase views on YouTube. How? Be active on these platforms, engage with the community, offer posts related to the content of your video, and share them whenever it is appropriate to do so. Don’t spam other platform users, try sticking to 3 platforms and then as you grow your customer base, you can cast a wider net. If your audience is not coming to you, go to them. As simple as that.

    • You’re Not Engaging With Your Audience

    Engagement is not a one-way relationship. It needs to be two-way! Don’t expect all the talking, sharing, and liking from your audience, you need to continue the chain of communication as well. If you are not engaging with your users in any form like not responding to comments, feedback or reviews, then you’re missing out on creating a connection with them. When you engage with your audience on a regular basis, you not only get more social reach, boost retention & brand exposure but you do more. An emotionally invested and connected audience trusts you and feels more loyal to you. So, not just listen to your audience but talk to them too!


    To a beginner, YouTube may seem overwhelming and a complex platform at first. It is actually quite easy to navigate around sharing and promoting video content. Though, the fear of losing your video in there seems plausible with so many videos and competitors fighting for the views. But the most important step you need to remember is to create good quality and unique content about topics important to your target audience. After all, the audience wants to learn, to know, be entertained, and engage with your brand through the video. So once you know how to create meaningful and relevant videos, your efforts after knowing how to increase views on youtube and publishing video content will bear fruit. 

    We hope this blog on “How to increase views on youtube” has helped you understand how to increase views on YouTube videos, how to stop losing views on your video and what counts as views & whatnot. Though, what works for one YouTube marketer won’t necessarily work for you. But the golden rule is to create values for the viewers. Without the foundation of truly valuable content, your efforts to increase views on YouTube won’t stand for long. So follow these simple but effective tips and you will definitely increase views on your YouTube video, without spending an extra penny on digital marketing

    So, which one of these tips will you be using to increase views on YouTube? Leave a comment below and let us know!

    Looking for Enhanced Brand Awareness?

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    Gideon Coleman

    What a nice informative blog, I am definitely going to follow the tips mentioned in this blog to increase views of my youtube channel.

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