Reputation Management and Social Media: 8 Ways to Amplify Brand Voice!


2 May, 2024



Do you know that Google experiences 8.5 billion searches a day? Yes, that’s true. That’s why more and more businesses are going online to grab this huge online market. With this comes the need for online reputation management and social media’s role in amplifying brand voice!

As per Statista, the popular social media platform Facebook experiences nearly 1.93 million active users in 2021. Hence, many companies have their Facebook Pages and Groups to promote their brand.

If you have not yet started? Start your social media page now!

You will be amazed to know that people depend more on online sources before purchasing any product or availing of any service. As per a survey, nearly 85% of customers trust reviews on online mediums as much as personal suggestions. 

Yes! Consumers first check your business’s reviews online through various social media platforms before deciding whether to avail of any service or purchase any product. Thus, online reputation management and social media’s role has become an important topic these days.

With the internet invading every sphere of our lives, most brick-and-mortar businesses are also shifting to online mode. Hence, online reputation management and social media have become an integral part of businesses today.  

What? Did we already give you some food for thought on online reputation management? No worries! 

We will share in-depth information about online reputation management and social media’s role in enhancing it. Also, we have shared ways for leveraging social media for online reputation management.

Looking to Build a Reputation that you want to associate with?

  • Reputation Management Consulting
  • Strategic Reputation Management
  • Reputation Management in the Digital Era

What is Online Reputation Management and Social Media’s Role in it?

Online Reputation Management and Social Media’s Role

What is reputation management in social media? The buzz about your company in the online medium, mainly social media, plays an instrumental role in converting your prospects into your customers. Let's share one example. 

How often do consumers complain about any product or service of any company on their official social pages, and the issue gets resolved fast! This is online reputation management and social media's role in it. The company in question takes quick action to resolve the issue to ensure their brand images do not hamper.

People's opinion about the organization in the digital space matters these days. Online reputation depends on the subjective thoughts and behaviors of the observers who happen to be the customers or the prospects. 

This is the importance of online reputation management and social media contributes to amplifying your brand voice to agreat extent. However,  online reputation is not an overnight phenomenon, and it takes days, months, or even years together to build an online reputation and brand of a company. 

The company's social media engagement with its audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other leading social platforms contributes to its online reputation.

Marketing experts across geographies believe that social media is a powerful tool for online reputation management. To endorse these thoughts, there are facts to back it up! 

Recent surveys tell that nearly 78% of consumers' purchase decisions are influenced by social media posts. Henceforth, social media helps your brand build a positive or negative reputation based on how your company conducts itself. 

So, it all boils down to online reputation management and social media leveraging to help your brand grow. Hope we answered your question what is social media online reputation management.

Mentioned below are the benefits of online reputation management for your business. So, don't go anywhere; stay tuned!

You can also hire best social media experts for reputation management - Top 10 Social Media Marketing Company in USA

4 Benefits of Social Media for Online Reputation Management

4 Benefits of Social Media for Online Reputation Management

Here are the 4 benefits of online reputation management and social media’s role in enhancing brand image.

  • Builds brand image
  • Boost sales
  • Improves visibility
  • Builds trust and credibility

You may build a great website with lots of helpful content about your products and services there. However, if you are not engaging with your audience on social platforms, the job is half done! 

So, let’s discuss the importance of online reputation management and social media’s role in it!

People’s perception of a company matters a lot, and this perception can be multi-faceted. Reputation also builds based on work culture, benefits to employees, CSR activities, and things like that. 

Before applying to a specific company, how often do professionals check the work culture and pay package reviews on platforms like Glassdoor, Ambitionbox, and others? How often do investors check the CSR initiatives on the social pages of companies before deciding on a prospective investment? 

Thus, your company’s online presence plays a significant impact in various ways. It can influence your prospects, investors, or professionals (willing to work with you) positively or negatively depending on the kind of online reputation you have.

Properly leveraging social media for online reputation management can improve your customers’ perception, and this will gradually build your brand. Remember, on average, 54% of people use social media platforms to research products.

We have shared the benefits of online reputation management and social media’s role.

Check out the below points to gain a complete understanding of how online reputation can influence your business.

1. Builds Brand Image

People have struggled to create a positive brand image for their company for years. Building a brand image is no child’s play! It is all about influencing people’s decisions to purchase any product or service, which is not easy. Online reputation management can do wonders for your business. Strategizing online reputation management for a company can result in a phenomenal change in the brand image. 

  • You can share product details through your social media pages. 
  • Through social media, your company can resolve a customer’s query. This will help build a good image of your company’s customer support. 
  • You can reply to product queries proactively on social platforms. Share any stuff related to internal work culture or some social initiatives.

Thus, online reputation management social media boosts your brand image.

2. Boosts Sales

  • Various studies state that 71% of customers with a positive experience about your brand on social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others are most likely to recommend your brand to family and friends. It is a powerful tool to encourage your prospects to take up your service. 
  • Before deciding to take up a service or a product, customers are inclined to search about the particular brand by looking at online reviews

What is the value of website traffic if there is no conversion? It’s sales that matter for any company, right! Online reputation management and social media’s role in it induces positive reviews and feedback about your company. 

For example - If a customer is looking to purchase Amazon Firestick, he/she will check other blogs, YouTube Unboxing, and other review posts on social media pages. A customer will check what other customers are telling about firesticks. 

  • Businesses with the best and most genuine online reviews stand out and attract customers to a great extent. 
  • Companies having negative reviews on the digital platform often tend to miss out on opportunities. This is where one needs to up the game of managing online reputation through social media.  

Online reputation can directly influence sales and hike it up to a whopping number.

Also, know how to choose the right digital marketing agency for your brand if you are looking to hire someone.

3. Improves Visibility 

As mentioned earlier, a positive user experience on social media helps build brand image. This has a cyclic reaction on your brand to reach more people through brand recommendations from customers. 

  • A company with a positive brand image is more visible. Doing some good can help your company get more attention. 
  • You can throw light on the mission, vision, and value of a company. Above all, you can present the company's opinions on various matters of interest. 
  • Highlight your company’s initiatives in offering comprehensive customer support. Good customer support encourages consumers to purchase the product and spread the word around.

Thus, social media for online reputation management helps your company reach more and more people. With increased visibility, your company can boost your brand image and increase conversions.

4. Builds Trust and Credibility 

So, everything happens in a cyclic manner through proactive engagements in social media. 

  • If improved visibility and increased sales, your company can establish brand loyalty among the customers. 
  • Social media platforms have enabled people to access opinions about various products. Positive reviews about your company in the form of appreciation from customers or even employees helps build trust, which is a vital part of the business. 

Thus, leveraging social media for online reputation management helps to increase brand awareness. Active participation in social media platforms by your company helps build trust and credibility of the brand. 

This is the importance of reputation management and social media is playing an critical role in it!

8 Ways to Leverage Social Media for Online Reputation Management

Here are the following ways to use social media to manage reputation online.

  • Share unique content 
  • Respond to the feedbacks
  • Optimize content for different platforms
  • Make your audience the brand ambassador
  • Keep an eye on your post's impressions
  • Paid Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Tools for Reputation Management

Social media has become an ideal place when it comes to interacting with customers and brands regarding the products or services they offer. 

There are instances in which brands take some very effective measures in resolving the customer problems when those problems are escalated by a customer on social media. Thus, it is possible to  maintain a good online reputation in social media for businesses. 

Companies often receive backlash for poor services as news spreads like wild fire on social platforms. So, companies must particpitae in reputation management and social media has a huge role to play in it. 

You have won half the battle if you have actively participated in social media platforms to solve customer queries or pro-actively resolve issues. Following are the few ways of leveraging social media for online reputation management.

This is online reputation management and social media plays a vital part in this.

1. Share Unique Content that Connects Your Brand with Your Audience

The best way to get people aware of your company is to share valuable and engaging content. Ensure that your content provides some value to your audience. Include CTAs at the end of your post to take any action that you feel necessary for that particular post. 

Rather than telling your audience to purchase every time you can ask them to signup for free service or read some more related blogs on your website. Encourage them to share the content. 

Tips to share unique and engaging content are….

  • Research what your competitors are sharing.
  • Use a conversational tone.
  • Increase curiousity by creating sensational headlines.
  • If you know your buyer’s persona, try to offer a solution to all the painpoints through the social posts.
  • Talk about various environmental, socia and cultural topics and relate them with your business. As per Statista, 86% of respondents want business to do more in the direction of environmental and social justice issues.
  • State real-life examples of your customers benefiting from your products. This helps create a personal connection between the company and the customers.
  • Maintain content uniformity and consistency across all the social media channels.
  • Ask for a like and reshare of post by your audience.

Just see this unique post by Amazon on its Facebook Page -

                                                                                                        (image source: Amazon)

2. Respond Pro-Actively to Audience Feedbacks

It is important for brands to continually monitor the activities taking place in their social media space about their products and services. You never know what discussions are taking place regarding your product or service. 

Most businesses have a separate social media account for dealing with consumer complaints or feedbacks regarding the products or services offered by them. This helps create a good online reputation for the brand since customers are always interested in those businesses that value customer needs by caring for them and finding time to understand and address their issues. But, one should monitor the activities regularly.

There can be circumstances in which a customer might have posted a negative review or a complaint regarding the customer service offered by your company. In case you miss attending to that feedback, your brand will lose face! 

As mentioned earlier, customers themselves promote your brand if they have received a prompt response from your company on social media platforms. 

This is how you grow through pro-active responses!

So, it is necessary to identify such comments and give instant replies that would satisfy those customers. Thus, the online reputation of your brand will not get hampered.

Some tips to respond to such feedbacks are -

  • Be polite while giving the feedback.
  • Address the customer by name and interact with a personal tone.
  • Be graceful during the conversation.
  • Accept the gap (if any) and assure the customer a quick resolution.

Check how Flipkart effectively attend queries and gets appreciated -

Flipkart effectively attend queries and gets appreciated
                                                                                                                         (Image Source - Flipkart)

3. Empower Your Audience by Making them Ambassadors

Brand loyalty is a time-taking process. To develop brand loyalty, you need to reach out to your customers more often. Try to understand what they expect, appreciate their concerns, try solving their pain points at the earliest, rewarding loyal and returning customers through vouchers, discount offers, or even with social mentions. This engagement with customers will make them feel important, and here’s the trick!

How to make your audience feel important?  

  • Establish an emotional connection with your audience. 
  • Organize Live Customer Townhalls on YouTube or Facebook to attend to their wants.
  • Provide a solution to the pain points of your audience.
  • Request your loyal customers to share their stories with your company.
  • Interview them and publish the video on your social media pages.
  • Ask for honest feedback.
  • Initiate loyalty programs.
  • Initiate “Giveaway” campaigns for regular customers.
  • Organize lucky draws or competitions to reward any new customer.
  • Give a shoutout on your social pages for loyal customers or contest winners.
  • Make an effort to reach out to each customer personally.

You can make them feel important like this-

Empower Your Audience by Making them Ambassadors
                                                                                           Image Source - Sophyne Skincare

4. Optimize Your Content for Each Social Media Platform

You will need to modify your content as per the needs of various platforms. On Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn, you can submit long posts. But on Twitter, you will have to create an engaging post within just 280 characters. Unlike on Facebook, there is no option to create a social group on Twitter. So, your content strategy will depend accordingly on different platforms.

Some tips to optimize your content for each platform -

  • First, read the directions of posting any content on each social platforms.
  • Accordingly, curate the content.
  • You may post a video on YouTube or Facebook to share the client or customer stories. 
  • While on Instagram, you may share something motivational or some new product launch.
  • Identify and use the right hashtags suitable for different platforms.

5. Monitor Your Post's Impressions

Besides doing all the good things, it is necessary to keep a track of the reach of your posts. Decent likes and shares can improve post impressions and engagements. 

Tips to increase Impressions on your post….

  • Make an effort to come up with creative content that can resonate with your audience.
  • Try creating some memes in the form of images or videos.
  • Tell a story to relate that with your brand.
  • Be regular in publishing the posts
  • Use tools like Facebook Insights and other tools to monitor impressions.

6. Pay for Your Social Media Posts

The earlier steps will need little or no budget at all. You can do it on your own or through your social media expert organically. In paid posts, you will need to spend money to get more likes and followers for your social media handle. But, it is a highly productive method that helps you find newer prospects and help your brand grow. 

Tips to use paid social media services -

  • First, decide on your budget.
  • Now decide on your target audience.
  • Choose the platform on which you want to publish content. Different platforms offer different services at different prices.
  • Design your content wisely so that every penny yields result.
  • Include smart CTAs along with an action-driven content.

7. Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing is one of the best ways to make people aware of your brand and manage your reputation. Studies show that this method of marketing generates significant ROI. 

By partnering with various renowned social media creators, you can reach new customers and build an authentic relationship with them. Also, the trust factor develops through influencer marketing as the influencers are real people who already have a set of loyal followers and fan bases. 

Plus, you get high-quality, engaging, and professional content that can get published on multiple social media platforms. 

Here are some of the tips to find an influencer for your brand -

  • First, be clear with your content goals.
  • Now decide on the platform to publish content. For video content: You can use YouTube, Periscope, Tumblr. For both text and video content: You can use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.
  • Decide on your budget. Search influencers accordingly.
  • Search influencers as per your niche.
  • Check and analyze their engagement stats after shortlisting.
  • Now, you can decide to hire “The Influencer” right for your business.

Now, we also have a bonus for you! We have shared 7 Tools for Online Reputation Management here. 

These tools will help you manage your social media activities to boost your brand image.

8. 7 Tools for Online Reputation Management

Tools for Online Reputaion Management

We have hand-picked 7 best tools here along with their brief details. These tools can act as a force multiplier to manage your brand reputation online.

  • - Falcon offers various modules related to engaging, publishing, advertising, audience analytics, and benchmarking. It also comes with social listening capacity which most companies look for.
  • Brand24 - Using Brand24, you can create various Projects. Each of these Project keep a track of the social mentions of your brand. 
  • Digimind - Powered by AI, this online reputation management tool offers impressive functionality along with a host of features. It can track the brands of your competitor as well as listen to various conversations about products on various social platforms.
  • Google Alerts -  You can simply setup Google Alert with your name. Google will email you an alert whenever your product or service get a mention on any online medium. 
  • Buzzsumo - It offers you to search the internet to find any content having your search term. It helps you with engagement statistics for Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Reddit.
  • BrandMentions - This tool provides listening capabilities for every social medi platforms along with various non-social platforms like blogs, news portals, and much more. 
  • HootSuite - Through Hootsuite, you can create cool social media content and also schedule your posts. Here, you can also manage your team mbers who are dedicated to your social media tasks.

So, you can use these tools by leveraging social media for online reputation management. 

Yo may also check our expanded list of tools for reputation management here - Best Online Reputation Management Tools 


Leveraging social media for online reputation management helps to spread the word about your product among the masses. Even brick and mortar businesses can shift to social media platforms to create brand awareness about their products. 

Through proper reputation management, you can create that trust among your customers. Your customers will then spread a positive word of mouth. This will amplify your brand promotion organically. Always remember that consumers go for a brand that resonates with them. 

To start with conduct intensive research about your target audience and content strategy based on this. Only after that, you can get things started on social media platforms to promote your brand. 

We recommend working with an experienced digital marketing company that helps to build a sound and positive reputation for your brand on the social media platforms. 

Else, you can try out the above strategies in real-life situations. Share your experiences in the comment section. Also, feel free to share any suggestions. Till then, happy reading!

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Bryan Garcia

How can I know the pain points of the customer?



How often should I post promotional content?


Cody Campbell

Can you help me with online reputation management?


Cohen Cooper

Thanks for the insight! It added value to my knowledge about online reputation management.


Derek Ward

Can I conduct events to add to my online reputation?


Paxton Harris

Do I need experts for the ORM of my company?


Nash Martin

Thanks for the blog. Need more information about influencer marketing.


Bradley Thompso

I would like to know more about how to hire an influencer, can you help?


Bryan Garcia

What kind of budget will I need for paid social media marketing?


Simon Martinez

The blog is very informative. I will quickly bookmark the techniques to initiate online reputation management for my small business.

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