Which Mobile Marketing Statistics Are Important For 2020?


26 Mar, 2024



We don’t think it is so tough to name one marketing tool that’s rapidly addressing the business customer’s needs, is it? Most of us can make a quick guess here, that the marketing tool we are so sure about has to be the evolving generation’s favorite mobile phone. With mobile users surpassing desktop users in 2015, we don’t think that the need for understanding mobile-friendly website statistics and marketing of business products over mobile devices should ever be neglected.

Mobile devices are the lifeblood of most people, as they no longer use them just to see their social media post or chat with far-off situated beings, they are equally using them to transact with businesses as well - to buy their products and avail their services. Thus, businesses of today are required to stay afloat with powerful mobile websites or apps marketing strategies and most importantly mobile marketing statistics or mobile phone usage statistics to understand the intentions of mobile customers in depth. Thus, here in the following article, we will discuss why and what all trends in mobile marketing you need to surely know about in 2020.

If we talk about mobile statistics in 2019, the year witnessed a paradigm shift in mobile device uses. The device impacted business users in a big way and greatly replaced marketing methods like emails, Direct mail, and out-of-home advertising. We have already moved in 2020, it is important to know all the mobile websites or mobile app statistics so that business marketers can discuss and highlight the major changes in the mobile world, bring out the scope of new advancements or marketing automation possibilities and take effective steps to make engaging and user retaining marketing campaigns.

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1. Why are mobile websites, apps, and mobile users’ statistics important to know?

All mobile websites or mobile marketing statistics will help in:

  • Knowing what all mobile users are anticipating.
  • Providing the insights required to build responsible and intuitive mobile-friendly websites or apps that are even followed by top mobile app development companies.
  • Giving the users’ centric insights that will help the businesses prepare a custom mobile marketing campaign.

Here in the following post, your biggest questions will be answered. We will tell you all the trends in mobile marketing right from mobile phone usage statistics to mobile marketing statistics. 

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2. Mobile Websites - All mobile statistics for mobile-first websites - 2020

1. How many people in the digital space own a cell phone?

  • According to research, almost 3.5 million people worldwide use a smartphone.

2. How many websites are viewed via mobile devices?

  • Where in the US, 57% of web traffic is generated from smartphones and tablets.

3. How much time do consumers spend on their mobile devices?

  • There is an 88% growth YoY in watching the videos over the smartphones.
  • On average, a business customer spends an average of 5 hours time over their smartphone.

4. How many people in the audience view emails over mobile phones?

  • In the year 2017, 61 % of US emails were opened on mobile, 15% were on the desktop while 24% were opened in a webmail client.
  • 86% of mobile users prefer to check their emails via mobile devices.
  • Now, 75% of Americans say they use mobile phones to check their emails.
  • And every 3 in 5 users prefer to open their mail on the go.

5. A few mobile video-related stats

  • Almost, 93% of Twitter videos are watched on a smartphone
  • 50+ videos are watched over the mobile phones
  • Videos having the word “review” in their heading had 50,000 years’ worth of watch time on mobile devices.
  • The mobile consumption of millennials over TV has greatly surpassed.
  • While watching TV, 28% of the time, viewers are busy looking at their phones, and during the commercials on the TV, they pay half of the time to their mobiles.
  • Generation falling between 18-24 years, 60% of times looks at their smartphones while watching TV, and people aging around 45 or more, have 41% of their devoted to mobile screens while watching TV.

6. What is the mobile app statistics for social media?

  • 80% of people use Pinterest via mobile phones.
  • 60% of mobile traffic over the Linkedin platform comes from mobile devices.
  • 85% of the time users spend on Twitter is all via smartphones.
  • In 2017, around 95.1% of all active users accessed Facebook via mobile devices.
  • Whatsapp was recognized as the most popular mobile messenger app worldwide.

7. Mobile statistics for eCommerce platforms

  • More than 40% of online purchase transactions are done via smartphones.
  • The searches for catchword “same-day shipping” has increased by over 120% since 2015.
  • Mobile devices are able to speed up the product purchase journey by involving the right decisions and effective team collaboration.
  • 91 % of smartphone users spent buying or planned to buy products from e-store via relevant ads they came across.
  • 70% of mobile users who bought something products from the store, took the help of smartphones to get information for such products.
  • Around 2/3 rd of the smartphone users are likely to purchase from the mobile eCommerce platforms that can automatically adjust the user’s location over their mobile websites or apps.
  • Mobile devices users are 50% likely to purchase products instantly while using their mobile phones.
  • If by chance, customers face a negative purchase experience with a certain eCommerce platform, they will 62% will be less likely to purchase products from that same brand in the future.

8. Mobile statistics for Email marketing 

  • Mobile readers who open an email 2nd time from a computer are 65% more likely to click through. 
  • Emails that appear distorted on mobile might get deleted within 3 seconds. 
  • Most of the IT, B2B, and wholesale companies get the weakest mobile email opens, while TV/radio/film, events & real estate businesses have the best mobile email opens
  • Mobile users check their email 3 times more than users who don’t use mobile devices. 
  • 52% of customers avoid engaging with a company after a bad mobile experience. 
  • 35% of corporate professionals check their emails on mobile devices. 
  • The Apple iPhone (29%) & Gmail (27%) are the most popular ways to read emails. 
  • Mobile opens accounted for 46% of all email opens in June 2018. 

9. User behavior and mobile phone usage statistics

  • Around 9 in 10 smartphone users are not sure of the specific brand they want to buy when looking for information online over smartphones. 
  • 75% of phone users want to get instant information while surfing over their smartphones. 
  • 77% of smartphone shoppers prefer to purchase from companies whose mobile sites & apps allow quick purchasing.
  • Two-thirds of consumers are able to recall a particular brand they have seen an advertisement of, on their mobile in the previous week. 
  • 60% of customers prefer to click on mobile ads at least weekly. 
  • Mobile searches for catchphrase “best” has grown to beyond 80% in the past 2 years. 
  • 51% of consumers say they often use mobile devices to discover new brands & products in the market. 
  • 69% of mobile users say they would prefer to buy from companies with mobile sites that are easily able to answer their questions or concerns. 
  • Globally, many people have a cell phone rather than a simple commodity like a toothbrush. 
  • 54% of all mobile brand experiences are created by video or image.
  • 89% of people are likely to recommend a brand after a positive brand experience on Mobile. 
  • 89% of people on smartphones are using apps, while 11% of users are using standard websites. 
  • People today have 2 times more interactions with brands on mobile than TV, in-store or more.
  • 46% of people say they would not purchase from a brand again if they face an interfered mobile experience. 
  • Users spend an average of 69% of their media time over smartphones. 
  • By 2018, American adults are likely to spend an average of 3 hours, 23 minutes on non-voice mobile media. 

10. Mobile friendly website statistics

  • 61% of mobile users may contact the local businesses who own the mobile-friendly websites. 
  • 53% of mobile website visits are canceled if a mobile website takes longer than 3 seconds to load. If there is even a one-second delay in site loading time, conversions tend to fall down by 12%. 
  • Most mobile web pages still take an average of 15.3 seconds to load.
  • 57% of users said they wouldn’t recommend a business if it hosts a poorly designed mobile site.
  • Delay of even one-second in mobile pages response time might reduce the conversions by almost 7%. 
  • 54% of people say they get frustrated when any brand’s website load time keeps on increasing.
  • 67% of smartphone users would like to purchase from companies whose mobile sites or apps can customize the information according to their current location. 

11. Mobile websites SEO-related statistics

  • Local searches make 50% of mobile users tempt to visit stores within 1 day. 
  • 61% of mobile searches end with no click at all, while 33.7% of desktop searches end with no click at all. 
  • 48% of customers start their search for a product over mobile phones only.
  • Google brings 96% of mobile search traffic
  • More than 51% of smartphones discover a new company or product after conducting searches on their smartphone.
  • 42% of all mobile brand experiences involve searches. 
  • 47% of keywords positioning between 1-20 tend to rank differently in searches on mobile and desktop SERPs.
  • The first page that ranks for a particular domain on a query is different on mobile & desktop SERPs, almost 35% of the time.
  • 3 out of 4 smartphone owners turn to mobile searches first to fulfill their immediate needs. 
  • Searches of the catchphrase “Same-day shipping” increase in the early morning itself. 
  • Search interest in keywords like ”open now” has tripled in the past 2 years. 
  • More than half of the searches related to auto parts, services, and maintenance are done from mobile devices.
  • Google has witnessed 1.5X more mobile searches ending with the keyword “to avoid” in the past 2 years.
  • Around 1/3 of all mobile searches are related to locations. 
  • Google drives 96% of mobile search traffic, where, from Yahoo, it is 2% and from Bing, it is 1%. 
  • Google Search is one of the most popular mobile apps in the US. 
  • In 2017, 61.9% of Google’s paid-search clicks (which was up from 53%) were from mobile devices.

12. Mobile marketing statistics

  • By 2019, mobile advertising was predicted to showcase 72% of all U.S. digital ad spending. 
  • Google Mobile Clicks Share in 2019 was -  56% for zero-click, 39.69% for organic click, 4.22% for paid click.
  • Users spend 25% of their both offline & online media consumption time on mobile & advertisers only spend 12% of their budgets to mobile.
  • Top marketers are more than 3 times as likely to significantly increase their investment over mobile customer experience. 
  • 87% of Facebook’s ads revenue is derived from mobile devices. 
  • In the U.S. mobile search spendings was to be reached to $25.11 billion in 2018 & $28.25 billion in 2019.
  • 68% of companies have amalgamated mobile marketing into their main marketing strategy
  • 71% of marketers feel mobile marketing is a core for their business. 

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3. Few trends in mobile marketing we are likely to witness in 2020

We are in 2020 already and are a few mobile marketing predictions we have gathered from expert marketers for 2020 and beyond.

1.Rise of voice searches

Rise of voice searches

Almost 50% of users in the US make use of voice searches to find product queries. Almost 41% of adults make use of voice searches in a day. Voice search will be blooming exponentially even this year and beyond and wouldn’t even interfere with the quality of outcome even if the speech produced by users is unclear or distorted.

Being the most convenient option, the mobile users would endear it for performing their basic to complex searches. And apps like Google Now, Alexa, Cortana, and many other apps would grow and mark their prominence for the mobile marketer and mobile users.

2. Popular multimedia? We are talking of videos

Popular multimedia

Audiovisual multimedia options like the videos are in great trend. Video-based media consumption over mobile devices is expected to grow as long as the people continue to find it entertaining, easy to consume and more engaging.

People say “ they would love to watch a 2-minute video over a content which is filled with a great wall of texts”.

Videos bring great scope for marketers who are in great turmoil to advertise their business propositions to the target user. Focusing on mobile-friendly video marketing will give them scope to improve your customer chase and conversions.

Here are some of the mobile video marketing related facts:

  • Focusing on videos will cause an increase in 157% website organic traffic.
  • 83% of businesses have witnessed a rapid increase in conversions by generating video-based content.
  • 96% of users have this opinion that video-based content helps them understand the product’s features better.
  • 70% of users prefer to share their favorite videos with their peers on the internet.
  • Customers after watching a relatable brand video are 46% more likely to take the next best action.
  • Videos make email click-through-rate increases by 90%.

3. Rise of chatbots

Rise of chatbots

Marketers need to capitalize on the opportunity to build and promote chatbots over mobile websites and apps. Chatbots in any way are fruitful for the searchers as they help automatically get quick answers, resolve complaints and get more resourceful content.

Most companies have already employed chatbots for their mobile apps and websites. This year is high time to build and promote the chatbots or virtual assistants to let the customers feel valued and catered round the clock.

4. The entry of 5G connection

5G internet connection had rolled in mid-2019, and many people haven’t stepped on it yet. But in 2020 and beyond, people will highly recognize and accept this connection as it helps with:

5. In-app marketing

In-app marketing will be companies’ favorite choice in the coming years as it allows cross-promotional activities, helps in increasing user engagement and retains a huge potential user base and allows the collection of important feedback from the users’ end. Companies who will vouch over this method in their overall mobile marketing strategy will see a great increment in returns.


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4. Conclusion!

So this was it, mobile marketers, a complete brief on mobile-friendly website statistics and mobile app statistics to understand user behavior and buying tendencies from the core. Knowing these mobile statistics is immense as they will help to prepare a robust and not-to-fail marketing strategy. When you know your mobile users’ habits, you get the upper hand in preparing custom marketing and sales strategies for your business customers.

Is there any trend in mobile marketing you feel is going to dominate the mobile user market in some way or another? If yes, share it with us in the comments below.


JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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