7 Reasons Why you Need a New Website That Churns Profit by 10x times


15 May, 2024



Your prospects often come face-to-face with your brand through your company’s website first. It’s like a 24/7 service provider constantly guiding your audience about your products, services, and various offers to make a purchase. With time, the dynamics of website development are changing. Hence, there is always a need to upgrade or get a new website. 

However, often businesses overlook the need to get a new website. They fail to understand how a modern, fast, and mobile-friendly website can tap the hidden potential and help better conversions. 

As per Statista, 43% of internet users check product reviews online before purchasing. According to a study by Unbounce, nearly 70% of consumers admit that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer. 

Hence, as a website design company, we recommend having an intuitive SEO-optimized website that generates sales. And, in case you don’t have a website, getting one is mandatory to give your competitors a tough fight!

If you're not available online, you are not there! Without wasting further time, let’s get immersed in how a new website will upscale your business.

Looking to Create New Website for Better Conversion?
  • Get Maximum Reach
  • Integrate Google Maps
  • SEO-friendly Content
  • Customize UI for Intuitive Digital Interactions

Why Is It Imperative to Go for a New Website Now?

You may be thinking about why you need a website designed for better conversion! 

In current times, having a simple, easy-to-navigate website, compatible on all devices, and clocks 3 seconds to load is a game-changer for your business's growth. Various studies show that businesses tend to lose traffic if their website loads slow, is not mobile-friendly, or has poor UI. 

Don’t just go by our words!

What Google Has to Say?

Even Google recommended the need for a simplistic, fast-loading website with good UX through its Page Experience Update in 2021. As per this update, Google has categorized page experience ranking factors into four categories:

  • Core Web Vitals
  • Mobile-friendly
  • No intrusive interstitials

Passing in all these parameters will ensure your website gets more visibility in Google searches. 

Hence, more traffic and conversions!

Now, we will discuss each of the reasons to need a new website to clear all your doubts.

Also, check our guide on How to Build a Website from Scratch? 

7 Reasons for Launching a New Website Now!

Here are our 7 reasons to get a new website in 2022. 

1. Difficulty in Navigation

Look at the seamless navigation on Airbnb.

Difficulty in Navigation

Source: https://www.airbnb.co.in/

You must be wondering what’s the big fuss about having a clean navigation structure on your website? 

Check these few stats!

According to Clutch, 94% of consumers look for an easy navigation structure. After reaching your company's website from a referral site, almost 50% of your traffic will use the navigation menu to know about your company, according to KoMarketing’s survey. This is why navigation is critical to avoid unnecessary traffic loss and conversions.

So, have you committed the same old mistakes with your website navigation? Are you witnessing a dip in traffic or increase in bounce rate, or cart abandonment? Then you must seriously introspect and get things right!

We will like to share a few common issues that you can avoid with their website navigation for improved UX and greater conversions:

  1. Using non-standard style:  Most people want horizontal navigation across the top section of your website and vertical navigation on the left. This is the standard position your audience will like to search for various products or services on your website. Often, businesses ignore this aspect. 
  2. Using very generic labels: If your navigation menu is not descriptive, it may not help. Terms like “Products” or “Services” are common to all businesses. They fail to convey the right message. If you are using such generic terms in your navigation, you must change them now!
  3. Drop-down menus: Drop-down menus are effective and have their downside. Often, your audience may feel annoyed while searching for a specific item from the navigation menu. Also, sometimes drop-down menus can give search engines a difficult time to crawl. 
  4. Too many items in the navigation menu: Often, businesses do not pay attention to these minute details. They keep on stacking products and their categories in the navigation menu. The end result is a cluttered navigation structure that makes your audience feel lost. 
  5. Wrong order of menu items: Place your essential pages or categories in the navigation menu. As per studies, 52% of your visitors want to check your About Us Page, and 86% want to know about your Products Page. 

We suggest you take the help of an expert, ideally a professional website design company, to relieve you of such navigation-related issues. Professional web design services can help you build an unmatched UI with smooth navigation features for your website.

2) Not Built for Speed

Does your website load within 3 seconds? 

If yes, it’s excellent! Else, time to optimize your website speed or get a new website!

Do you know that close to 70% of customers agree that website loading speed affects their purchase decisions? Even Google found out in its survey that if your webpage takes 10 seconds or more to load, traffic bouncing from your website increases by 123%.

These stats can be disheartening if your website is sluggish; however, as a professional website design company, we aim to provide a solution to provide your users with a better experience.

Poor website loading speed leads to poor user experience, increased bounce rate, fall in traffic footfall, and loss in conversions or sales.

We have shortlisted a few common issues causing poor website speed. Check them below:

  1. Render-Blocking JavaScripts: JavaScript is a code that enables your website to be more interactive and functional for your audience. However, if you miss optimizing JavaScript, your website loading speed can slow down. 
  2. Absence of CDN: Are you not using a content delivery network? A CDN comprises various servers that are based in various strategic geographic locations. On a CDN, it is possible to save various copies of your web portal for your audience to access fast. Often businesses forget to use a CDN.
  3. Excessive overhead in your database: Overhead means various extraneous items in the website's database like transients, logs, and other entries from any theme or plugins or themes that may build up over some time. Too much of “overhead” leads to website speed slowing down. 
  4. Your website is not CSS optimized: CSS is responsible for styling your web pages. But if not optimized they can be a headache, leading to slow website speed!
  5. Large media files: Often, businesses do not optimize large-sized images, infographics, and other media files. Media files should constantly be optimized before uploading. 

Your website can get tiringly slow if you have not addressed the above issues. Thus, it will hamper user experience and conversions.

But, don’t get overwhelmed! You can seek advice from a professional website design company to improve your website performance.

3) Poor Mobile-Friendliness

One of the most mobile-friendly platforms “Tinder”


This is another reason to get a new website come 2022. A mobile-friendly website is essential as 61% of customers seem to buy from websites compatible with smartphones or tablets. Nearly 40% of transactions happen online on smartphones or tablets.

Remember that 52% of the clicks emerge from various mobile devices if you are into PPC. If your website is not mobile-friendly, your PPC campaigns can go waste. 

Hence, mobile-friendly websites are the need of the hour. If your website is not compatible with smartphones, you will miss on audience footfall who could have been your next valued customer.

As a professional web design company, we have identified some common misses which kill a website’s mobile friendliness.

  1. Non-responsive website design or theme: Often, businesses ignore working on a website design compatible with all platforms. This is a common mistake that businesses commit more often than not.
  2. Page speed:  As stated earlier, page speed is a vital factor that differentiates a great website from a decent one. Page speed impacts mobile friendliness too. 
  3. Poor mobile navigation UX: Again, the role of navigation comes into play. On mobile devices, navigation creates the difference between bouncing and converting. Be mindful of this element.
  4. Too many popups: Popups can be a valuable tool to drive users to fill out specific forms or take action. However, too many of them can spoil the user experience.

Get a detailed guide on How to Make a Website for Business if you are looking for an expert opinion! 

Looking for CMS Development Solutions?
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4) Lacking a Robust Content Management System

Content is king these days. However, if it is not managed correctly, things may turn ugly for your website. You need to have a robust content management system to address the content. You can publish and manage all of your content from a server with it. But many businesses overlook using a CMS system. 

Without CMS, the workload on both your business and development team will be huge. CMS eases off this pressure. Also, without CMS, your website can significantly slow down. 

However, you must choose a CMS as per your business requirements. We have shared a couple of points to avoid while choosing a CMS:

  1. Customized CMS: Customized CMS will only be a burden on your development team. It will also be an expensive proposition. 
  2. CMS, which is not scalable: Often, businesses do not choose a CMS wisely. They end up choosing a system that is not scalable. In that case, you need to upgrade or modify the existing CMS or get a new website.
  3. A system that works on limited platforms: Now, content has made inroads to various other platforms apart from desktop or mobile devices. These platforms are AR/VR, jumbotrons, digital assistants, kiosks, etc. However, businesses miss this point while choosing a CMS.

Choosing a CMS is a critical task; we recommend hiring a website design company to help you out in this respect!

5) Messaging & Content Copy

As per CMI’s content marketing report, 72% of marketers opine that content marketing leads to increased engagement. However, businesses miss highlighting their brand messaging through their content copy.

With time, businesses improvise on their goals and strategies. They add new products and services to their kitty. However, often businesses fail to create content in tandem with these changes. 

Businesses fail to communicate their benefits and brand USP to the users. Their message is not impactful enough to drive that desire and interest. Hence, businesses fail to build trust and expand their customer base.

Why are we stressing the need for impactful content with the correct messaging? Because as per B2B Content Marketing Report, the following are the top priorities of content marketers and companies across the world with regard to content: 

  • Create brand awareness
  • Build credibility
  • Educate audiences
  • Generating leads
  • And establish loyalty with existing clients 

Thus, content is a powerful tool to achieve all these goals. However, your content must be clear. enough to resonate with your audience.

If your audience fails to get the right message, the following happens!

  • Without conveying your brand voice properly, Your prospects will not understand what you have to offer to them.
  • They will get confused and will lose trust in your business. 
  • As a result, your customer base will stagnate. Existing customers may not return and newer ones may not convert.

In simpler words, if your customers are not updated about your current business offerings, they will not convert. With time, you will have to redesign your website or get a new website to get your messaging right.

Often, the task of designing a message for your audience that impacts and drives interest among them is a tricky task. 

For an expert opinion on creating content that conveys your business strategy properly, get help from a professional website design company.

6) Lacking Micro-Experiences 

Micro-experiences are rapidly growing as an important part of your web design. What? Does the term sound little new to you? We will make things lucid for you. 

A micro-experience on your website is a small element a small nuance on your site that makes a special online experience for your visitors. It can be a ding noise, small notification buttons, animations, content progress bars, etc. Lacking these small elements will not build a good impression of your website. 

Remember, as per Adobe’s report, 38% of people will not engage with a website that is not attractive. As per Researchgate, first impressions about your website are 94% design-related.

Some common mistakes to avoid while designing micro-experiences are

  • Over-designing: Often people forget where to draw the line in terms of integrating mico-experience elements. Tweaking too much with the design often hampers UX. Also, your website loses that professional look.
  • Sacrificing the narrative: Messaging and setting the right tone is essential for your business to convert. Too much of designing your website may deviate you from your business goal. 

If you are lacking micro-experiences on your website, you can seek expert opinions from a professional website design company. 

7) Leads Not Converting

Why do you want your website? Sales and conversions right? Well, if the above factors are not addressed, your website will not convert. 

To improve conversions you need to have a website that has proper design, fast loading speed, mobility, impactful content, correct brand messaging, and small surprise elements.  

If your website is lacking in these aspects, it will be difficult to convert leads. As per reports, sluggish websites may cost businesses $2.6 billion lost in sales every year. Another study states that 57% of internet users will not recommend a poorly-designed website on mobile. And, you all know that if your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, half of your traffic is lost. 

So, to increase conversion, you need to revamp your website from top to bottom completely. We are sure that you have understood that your website’s UX and subsequent conversions do not depend on a single aspect. 

To make things right, you must take action on the above seven aspects. 

You can also check this out - How to Create Small Business Website?

Else you take help from professional web design services directly!

What? Still not ready to accept that your website needs work?

Here’s what is at stake!

What Is at Stake With an Outdated Website?

Why do you need a website for your business or modify an existing one? 

These things can happen to your business if you don't upgrade your website or get a new one!

1. Hamper Google Search Ranking: When someone asked Mr. John Meuller whether website design impacts ranking in Google search results, he replied - 

“Changing the layout of your pages can affect your results. This is something that some people work on activities as well regarding on-page SEO. So things like figuring out how to use titles properly on a page, how to do internal linking properly, how to provide more context for the article itself. All of this can definitely affect SEO.” 

As per the recent page experience update, the overall aesthetic of your website (not only SEO) will be taken into consideration. So, poor web design can lead to a fall in ranking and traffic consequently.

2. Unable to Amplify Brand Voice: Poor rankings in Google searches will definitely limit your business reach. Hence, your brand voice will not spread among the crowd properly. Additionally, if your content copy and messaging are not right, even if prospects visit your website, they will not be encouraged to purchase a product. 

3. Losing Credibility: Nearly, 75% of people opinionated about the credibility of a website based on the overall aesthetics as per a study. So, poor website design can be detrimental to your brand’s image and can result in a fall in ranking, loss of conversions, and losing credibility that will be hard to build again.

4. Your Competitors Have & Can Edge You Out: If you don’t do it, your competitors will take a leap forward and embrace the dynamics of a modern-day website. Popular Sports Channel ESPN increased its revenue by 35% after they redesigned the website homepage.

How Can JanBask Digital Design Help!

As a website design company, we create a website design that matters!!! 

Your customer’s first impression is the last impression. At JanBask Digital Design, we aim at offering cutting-edge web design services for small businesses to established ones for an ever-lasting digital experience for your customer. 

So, they keep visiting you again & again!! 

Whether it's a startup or an established brand, our professional web design services are tailor-made for every industry as we aim to:

  • Boost your brand value and identity.
  • Create a visually stunning digital transformation of your business. 
  • Enable you to exercise authority in your line of work.
  • Enable you to get qualified leads that convert.

Let's Design Together to Make a Difference!


Designing and developing a perfect website involves many aspects. From page speed to mico-experiences, all aspects matter to help your website get the required attention on the web. All these aspects are inter-connected. If you miss any critical element of website designing, the overall performance will get hampered. In that case, you will require a modification or get a new website. 

We suggest you go for professional web design services as website designing is a complicated process. Also, thousands of web designing service providers will commit great things but We Suggest a free consultation from the JanBask website design company for small and large-scale businesses to get a new website that amplifies your brand’s voice!

Stay tuned to our blogs. Comment if you have tried out anything new.

Looking for Professional Web Design Services?

  • Increase your Conversion Rate
  • Drive Customer Engagement
  • Amplifies your brand voice
  • Maximize your profits

JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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Adonis Smith

Nice motivational blog, really helpful for upcoming entrepreneurs to get new website and listed tips are valuable and worthful.


Aidan Johnson

What a blog, I like it!! I am planning to start a business but was very confused about my idea of getting a new website or not and also afraid of failure but the moral support and guidance given by this post is amazing. Thanks team!


Kaden Brown

Thanks for giving such great ideas to start a website at minimum investment and I was looking for such a post for a very long time.


Paul Wilson

Earlier I was really confused as to whether I should start a business online or not. But the comparison in this post has cleared all my doubts.


Omar Moore

Must read blogs for people willing to start business online and planning for the same, got some great ideas that really inspire me.


Brian Taylor

In how many months can I see effective results if I get a new and performance-driven website?


Louis Anderson

Do you guys help in setting up a small business? I wanted to know because I want to hire your team for my organization as I am not familiar with the process well and will require professional help. Please let me know!


Caden Thomas

My friend and I were seeking information on small business ideas for a long time but could not find anything relevant. Then one of our colleagues shared the link to your article. I must say you have shared some effective ideas, I am impressed with!


Maximiliano Jackson

Overall a nice blog, I was seeking information on the same for many days but could not find anything relevant. I was not sure whether having a website will double my profits though I am doing pretty good by leveraging Social Media.Thanks team!


Holden White

I am new in the small business and also don’t have much information about websites. Also, the team that I had hired didn’t respond well. Can your team help me with some more effective and useful marketing ideas!!

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