How To Rev-up Your eCommerce Website?


6 Nov, 2024

How To Rev-up Your eCommerce Website?

Have you not noticed how everyone seems to be glued to their mobiles? 

Is it not apparently happening around us? 

This is not just any passing change that is happening around us, but it is the one that has changed the whole dynamics of the way business happens online. Yes! it all began with this digital push. You must be wondering how!

Let me take you to your own daily lifestyle changes. 

Just a few years ago this thing called the internet only used to happen on our desktops or notebooks. It was a time when the human race used to move freely and enjoy the beauty of the world live. As technology grew, things slowly started to move behind the screens. Yes! the mobiles took over. 

Our whole life became reduced to this small device. It started off with simple searches and slowly what took the lead was social media. As technology grew further the apps entered our daily lives and now it is the time when almost everything can be handled online without any effort. 

You must be thinking that all this is okay, but where did it affect the business strategies. It is not so difficult to realize that to cater to this growing segment of populations on mobile devices, businesses had to change their online models. Yes! they had to introduce mobile-optimization of their websites. This was done primarily to preserve the user experience and make it smooth. The whole strategy of web design was changed and adjusted to accommodate all screen sizes and views. Responsive web designs took shape. These were so dynamic that the website would adjust itself to the changing screen size. Apart from this, there are many other facets of the story that had to be tweaked to give the visitors an impeccable online experience.

Now, do you realize that there is a glaring need for businesses and eCommerce platforms to revise their website designs, to make the whole show more entertaining and of course enriching? 

Remember, the visitors are not bound in any way to continue to spend time on your portal if they do not like it. The reason is simple-choice! The choice is abundant and your competitors have all their traps set to get hold of such dissatisfied visitors. They will not want to lose out even one. So, you need to be watchful and make sure you follow the latest design tips to make your online business rock!

Need Of Website Design Tips

helpful design tips

Let me begin by asking what else? I mean the first thing any visitor sees about your online business is the look and design. No matter what niche you are operating in, who all comprise your target audience or what kind of product solution are you offering. If your website does not look appealing, is not attractive, does not load in the time it is supposed to, is not having the right size of images to be accommodated equally well on mobile and desktops, then believe me irrespective of anything, you have lost your visitor. 

The only thing that can help you win and win big is the way you tailor your website design to factor in all the requirements without hassles. 

Now let me come back to the topic about what all design tips prove highly useful.

Website Designing Tips for eCommerce Business

useful web design tips

Website Loading Speed Optimization : This is important. The extent of success of your online business venture is in direct proportion to the extent of the success of your web design. 

optimization of website loading speed

  • Think like this. Someone has an interest in your product or service and has cared enough to visit your website to find more details and offers. In the process of doing so, all that person met was the awful loading time of your website and then the image content, forget the videos that you uploaded. Even before you could possibly roll out an idea, you have lost that visitor.
  • Very recent research by Stanford stated that almost 75% of the internet users usually end up making a judgment about any website just by the looks. Another figure that might leave you awake for the night, is that loading time of more than 4 minutes drives away as many as 25% of your visitors. This might give you a chill if you haven’t yet thought about a solution about figuring out the excessive load time. Even for the image content, you need to work out on the image sizes to make sure they load quickly. 

Takeaway: Time is money. Nobody will spend more time just to see the website loading. Optimize every bit of your design to ensure faster load speed.

Remarketing Campaigns: For every startup in the initial phases of the first few years, the best way to grow your business is by remarketing. This means to target existing customers and coax them to make another purchase.

remarketing campaign

  • There are basically two ways by which this can be accomplished-one by pushing on an extensive email campaign and the other starting off with the remarketing ads. Google especially rolls out your remarketing ads to the ones that have already visited your website. What does that mean? It purely means business. 
  • The ads are being shown to the people who already know your website and your products. It is highly likely that these people are more responsive to your marketing message.
  • Now imagine a compelling ad with a great value offer can trigger a specific set of emotions in the minds of your audience. They will definitely end up visiting your website for details. Another great way to reach out to your existing customer base is by email. Do not forget that the number of people having email accounts is far more than the ones who are lined up on Facebook or any other social media engine.

Takeaway: Remarketing of your previous audience, is the best way forward as it stands a high chance of conversions than targeting of new audience.

Mobile Optimization: In this age when everything is on mobile, you cannot dare to forget this one. The ways the internet is being accessed by the majority of people across the world have undergone great change.

mobile optimization

  • Hence optimizing for mobile experience and viewing becomes highly important. You are in business and in order to survive you have to be where your customers are. Even in the physical marketplace, we see a line of shops lined up in specific places. These are those shops that stand a tall chance of making more business when compared to the ones that are located in areas far from the markets. 
  • For any e-Commerce business to succeed, it has to be well optimized for smooth user experience on mobiles as well. This means that your website is equally responsive on mobile and other platforms. 
  • What is responsive? It is simply a website that will not slow down, distort or take a long time to load when accessing it on mobiles. The best mobile experience is provided by the websites that are intuitive, and have great navigation. It is a good idea to hire web design professional to handle the job for designing the responsive website design. 

Takeaway: Optimize your website design for mobile viewers if you want to tap the growing mobile audience.

Landing Page Optimization: Landing pages are specifically designed to cater to a particular service, product or an advertisement. These are highly specific. For instance, if you roll out an ad campaign across all your channels. 

landing optimization

  • Where do you think your visitors should reach once they actually feel compelled by your ads? Don’t you think these first-time customers who are actually being coaxed to visit your website should be well received? 
  • Imagine, if the ad just directs them to the normal website homepage without any mention of the campaign. You cannot even imagine the amount of harm that you can do to your own business. The whole purpose of ads falls flat if you do not have an appropriate number of landing pages to handle the same. These landing pages have to be so-worked out and designed, that there are a clear call-to-action and giveaway that directs your visitor to the sale. No fuzz or noise  in between. It is important that there should be no clutter on the landing page and it has every element clearly shaped. Hence the ones who make a conscious choice to check out any specific product or offering are well-catered to and welcomed on the website. To add to the delight you may add an additional discount on the landing page itself. 

Takeaway: Spend time to design your landing pages well. They are the ones that will get you real conversions.

Truth about Abandoned Carts: This is a common issue faced by many e-Commerce businesses. Visitors often load their carts after spending ample time and then suddenly disappear. There can be many reasons why this is happening. You need to study each of them to ensure they do not happen again.

Abandoned Carts

  •  It is possible that the customers do not like your shipping charges and once they appear before final payment, they prefer to let go, there can be other technical issues with the whole process of checkout which makes it lengthy and also confusing at times, or maybe loading the cart with the idea of saving the items at one place and then actually purchasing it later. 
  • Whatever the issue you have to work around it to get it working. Many times, fixing the design helps. However, you can begin by reviewing the entire checkout process in terms of a number of steps, clarity, loading time, etc.
  •  Even really small issues at times are enough to push the customers away in the final stages of the purchase. Remember, your customers do not want to work around for much longer and you have to ensure that your design is smart enough to tip the ones on the final stages to actually buy the product. 

Takeaway: Ensure there are no technical glitches and the process is easy till the end.

Social Proof Is Must: Humans are a funny race. We often validate some things merely for the fact that many others have done it and have been successful. This may sound strange but that’s how it is. So, online reviews about your product add a lot of substance to its success.

social proof

  • Many marketers have said that the purchase decisions of many is simply based on how many positive reviews the product has received and how has the experience of the customers. These testimonials help first-time customers gain more confidence.
  •  Now, it is the work of your website design team to place these very prominently in a way that one is able to read them and also they do not cover the CTA in any way. Your CTA is the main trigger that has to be shown all times till the final purchase is complete.
  •  Apart from the reviews or testimonials, in case if your website is hosting a wide range of products then you can get the social proof in terms of bestsellers or most-liked tags attached to the products. They act as a subtle push to buy the products being talked about. 

Takeaway: Add reviews and testimonials and place them well.


In this age, when everything is sold at face value, nobody has time to explore every other benefit or use. The max a person digs into is to check the online reviews. It is not difficult to set a business online but what is difficult is to make it work. Remember, every day many new websites will be added to your niche and many of them will be hosting better products than you. So, it is up to you how to respond to your competitors. You can either choose to win by strategizing and organizing or see them win by their tactics. 

In this webspace, everyone means business. So, if you don’t care to act, chances are your competitors will. They will ensure they get the greatest share of the pie. If you want to win, the best and the first step is to work on your web design. Many things get rolling once you have the best design in place that is optimized for various elements. It is not exactly the product but the way you have put it will make a difference. Do not forget that we are living in a world of filters and looks do matter. 

Do share your valuable experiences with us. We will be waiting to hear the story of your rise to success. 

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