Marketing is the boon for every business as it enhances business profitability and ROI (Return on Investment). Marketing is the medium of connecting with the targeted audience and indirectly force them to avail our services. As per today’s trend, marketing gets more advanced by using the latest technology. Marketing becomes digitized because of the use of digital channels namely Internet. The reason for the advancement of marketing technology is the invention of e-commerce business. E-commerce business is also known as an online business which means selling products or services online using the Internet.
Online business offers several opportunities in the marketing for selling and purchasing products or services. Additionally, several terminologies are used in online business namely e-commerce business, online shopping, digital marketing, and more. In all these terms, the most powerful term is the Digital Marketing, a process of promoting a brand or business using the digital channel mainly Internet. Digital Marketing offers several techniques for promoting a business over the web namely Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Pay Per Click (PPC), Content Marketing, Email Marketing, and lots more.
In this blog, we are going to discuss email marketing and tips to build powerful email to gain the attention of targeted audience.
Email Marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing that enables brand owners to directly interact with the targeted audience. In Email Marketing, an email is sent to the list of customers to educate them about our products and services. The promotional email is also called as “Short in All” which means that small amount of content with at least one image and button controls. The whole business and its offer are effectively described in a small mail.
JanBask Digital Design offers web development and digital marketing services to their clients. Additionally, they are also well known for email marketing services.
If you want to draw highly effective email for marketing, then the mail should consist only one call-to-action which can ensure higher conversion rate.
As per current trend, people prefer to open websites and other marketing materials in mobile thus we should use things like small buttons to fit on this screen.
In an email, we should effectively describe a sense of urgency by explaining deals or offers and indirectly force customers to avail our services.
The size of an email should be less so that it can easily be opened in any device. Thus, it is a tip that email should contain one image which can easily get the clicks.
Email templates are those which are inbuilt in nature or we can say that they are ready to use.
For a security, people avoid direct receiving of all emails in their account. They enable filter in their mailing account and if the mail is suspected then it directly sent to the spam folder. Thus, we should avoid spam trigger words in our email promotion.
Pre-header content or text is the information which appears just after the subject line of the email. Thus, it should be more enticing and attractive.
We should use warm wishes, best regards, or greetings in our email which connect the audience rather than present us as a robotic.
P.S. is one of the most powerful elements which render by almost all customers. Thus, it should be presented in an email to attract a brand audience.
We should use numeral instead of textual data. This is the best way to stop skimmers of emails.
We should write an email in a friendly way so that people don’t ignore the mail and connect with the business to avail our services.
In email marketing, if we want everyone to open our email and avail our services, then we should use quality keywords to attract them. Some of the quality keywords are as follow:
We should use the same layout in our every mail so that people can easily remember and identify us.
While sending an email, it is a good practice to add company name rather than individual as if we add company name then targeted audience can easily recognize us. Otherwise, they can ignore our mail.
The subject line of an email should be clearer so that people can easily understand what we want to convey them.
If there are grammar and spelling mistakes in our promotional email then it can have a bad impact on our audience and they can ignore our mail. Thus, we should check these mistakes using the software as well as manually. We can use the Grammar to check your grammar and spelling mistakes in our email.
We should use active voice sentence in our email to attract people in large amount.
We should avoid using a personal name in the email as it may happen that people can ignore the mail due to an unknown source.
We should draw the email in such a way that people will think that they are special for us and easily connect with the business.
We should use the CTA URL parameters which reduce the work of people to fill form fields and also enhances conversion rates on websites landing pages.
This will enable users to auto-register for webinars or other business events directly from the email.
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