Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Blog Readership


 22 Aug, 2016

Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Blog Readership

Writing a blog is a tough job but getting a number of hits you want on your blog is even tougher. When one writes it with so much zeal, all he wants is that it should be viewed by as many people possible for their and his own personal benefit. But many blog writers face this issue that their blog doesn’t have the required amount of viewing as they expect. For being an expert in writing we have to have enough experience to get maximum readership for blogs and below we are sharing with you Top 10 Ways to Improve that:-

Improve Blog Readership

  1. Share it more than just once

Many bloggers make this mistake and they post their blog and then share it with means available to them and wait for traffic. But, what if the target audience didn’t get or understood or simply ignored the information for the first time. So it’s better to share your blogs more than just once. It can be termed as spamming by few but if you will share in a smarter way it won’t be termed as spamming. For example, the same post can be shared via different means like Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Google+ . Also, You can alter the content while sharing the link and thus even though your different posts which eventually will lead to the same link will never be termed as spam. Surveys have confirmed that re-sharing about your blogs even double your blog viewership.

  1. Carefully choose the topic

The topic which you will choose for your blog is very important; choose a topic that has the potential to go viral. The Blog should be very catchy with the target audience and the targeted viewership should be able to relate to and accept the blog as soon as they read the topic. It is the topic or the subject matter you have chosen which will be read first and the reader will choose to go to your link based on the topic only. You can go for posts which never die as some posts are famous momentarily but there are some posts that are evergreen and will always be in demand.

  1. Make your Blog the best

Once the reader has reached your blog then it’s only the content which you have posted that matters. The content should be the best and usage of mediocre content should be avoided. These days there are so many similar contents available online so it’s the content which will make you stand apart from the crowd.

  1. Make Blog SEO Friendly

With so many blogs available online make sure that yours is SEO friendly and have the exact keywords as required. In order to get the utmost priority on search engines, your SEO Team should be competent enough and must stuff good quality keywords. These days 90% of content is searched via search engines and only 10% is via direct links so to get maximum readership you should be able to be on top of searches.

  1. Responses Matter

Your blog should be as interactive as possible and no matter how short of time you are always respond to queries posted on your blog. Once you will make it a practice to respond to all the queries whether positive or negative you will start noticing a difference in your blog viewership.

  1. Make your Blog Professional

The first impression is the last impression and this holds true for your blog too. Your blog should be able to catch eyeballs as soon as a person views the post. Make your blog attractive by inserting images, graphics or any animations which a reader can also correlate with the content. Also, with increasing usage of Smartphones make sure your blog is mobile-friendly.

  1. Email Traffic Generation

There are approximately 4 Billion e-mail accounts present on the internet and about 250 million emails are sent every day. Start an e-mail list for your blog and there are many email marketing companies available that can offer you their services at the nominal amount or even free. Many companies spent as much as $2000 per year for email marketing expenses.

  1. Learn from Competition

Your greatest teacher is your competition and you should always regularly visit your competition blogs and via SEMRush you can check what posts and keywords they are ranking for. Write detailed and meaningful comments on your competitor’s blogs and you can gracefully steal their traffic by adding links to their comments.

  1. Always Analyse

Every blogger should install Google Analytics tool as it will be a good insight to your blogs and this will help you focus on high quality and high traffic resources. This will help you choose right marketing path and can avoid marketing strategies which will be less fruitful.

  1. Target the Correct Audience

Always focus on the targeted audience which will enable you to generate more hits. You can’t sell gym to a 60-year-old no matter how strategic your marketing is. Participate in communities where you can find your targeted audience and indulge yourself in discussion forums. Always remember do not jump to share your blog links and always first indulge in discussions. Then only you can share your links and impress audience to hit the links and read your blog.

So, now if you plan to write a blog, then make sure you follow the above mentioned tips to increase your reach to the target audience and also your  readership.


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