Website Design Statistics That You Cannot Miss In 2023


30 May, 2024


Creating an online presence with a feature-rich website is simple with the presence of manifold website development companies. After all, an engaging website with a user-friendly design appeal can drive expected results.

Website users prefer a platform with clear images, fast page loading, and easy navigation.

If you are in the process of developing a business site, then you should pay significant emphasis on website statistics. It is essential to have a close view of the latest website design statistics to know what's trending in the digital space. And what steps can you follow to create an intuitive business site to gain optimum traction and traffic?

This blog has compiled a list of top-rated design-specific website first impression statistics. It plays a crucial role in knowing how to develop a web page specifically for your site and what design trends to follow. Also, get to know the additional details based on the following key points.

  • How Investing In Website Design Is Important for Business?
  • Cutting-Edge Web Design Elements to Include
  • Three Inspirational Web Designs to Follow

 Let's get started.

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Compiled List of Web Design Statistics That You Should Be Aware Of

Whether you are a business professional, web designer, or anyone who belongs to the digital world, it's imperative to stay updated with web design statistics. To gain a competitive edge, create a visually captivating website that captures the attention of users. Here, you gain access to client side custom web dev strategy broadly categorized into different groups as follows:

  • Generic Web Design Statistics
  • Website First Impression Statistics 
  • Website User Experience Stats 

1. Generic Web Design Statistics

How important is it to have a well-designed website?

Generic Web Design Statistics

When we say generic statistics, it means looking at the competitive scenario in the digital ecosystem. Several enterprises rely on result-oriented website design services to create attractive platforms in the Internet world. And the website statistics mentioned below depict the rising competition and the necessary steps to follow to become successful. 

  • At present, there are more than 1.3 billion active websites on the internet. It implies entering a world of stiff competition and focusing on overall design elements.
  • A new website is built on the internet every three seconds. So, by the end of 2023, the numbers will cross 1.3 billion, and you should pay more attention to the design and navigational components. 
  • Till now, 71% of businesses already have their websites. There is a rapid shift after the unexpected pandemic and numbers will rise to a new extent. 
  • As per recent statistics, it has been derived that 28% of all business activity is digital. It is because of providing a convenient way to buy products/services at the customer's disposal. 

Takeaway: The number of websites is increasing with each passing day, exerting a great deal of pressure on businesses. As a company, knowing things to consider when building a website is crucial, specifically the designing part that can make or break your reputation. 

2. Website First Impression Statistics

What do first-time visitors expect from the website?

Website First Impression Statistics

Undoubtedly, the design of a website plays an integral role in deciding whether users will stay on your platform. Mere hiring professional web design services is only sufficient if you know what's happening in the marketplace. For this purpose, our following line of statistics showcases the relevancy of the attractive design of webpages together with things to consider when building a website and its overall impact. 

  • 94% of the website interaction largely depends on the beautifully created and visually appealing design. Many internet users find the design a crucial factor in accessing a website and look forward to a positive experience. 
  • 50% of internet users prefer to shop or access a website based on engaging design elements. Users need a particular website to offer seamless navigational flow, attractive visuals, and simple-to-grab information.
  • Over 57% of internet users hesitate to recommend a poorly designed website to their peers, friends, colleagues, and loved ones. You will believe it; brand recommendation matters the most to increase the customer base and the company's sales ratio. 
  • Website layout matters the most to drive positive engagement. In reality, 38% of users do not engage with a disturbing or cluttered layout website. 
  • Websites that do not have clear and communicative Call to Action buttons and placement fail to create a positive impact. And due to this, digital businesses find it cumbersome to convert potential customers. 

Takeaway: With the website mentioned above's first impression statistics, creating a well-designed website is imperative to engage & convert. Getting into the design-specific details of professional web design services from a leading technology partner is essential. 

3. Website User Experience Stats

How do users expect your site to function?

What if your website fails to provide an exceptional user experience? It results in increasing chances of customers shifting to competitive brand sites. The way users expect your website to perform matters the most. Once again, design is imperative to decide whether users are satisfied with the website's speed, performance, flow, and more. 

  • More than 47% of website users do not wait more than 2 seconds to let the webpage download. Users will shift to another site if it takes more than two seconds. It's an integral part of web design statistics that should be considered.
  • On average, website users do spend approximately 5.59 seconds on a website reading the content. It happens due to easy-to-read information aligned with the specifically designed framework. Thus, the time users spend on web pages again largely depends on the strategic design factor.
  • Another crucial design-related website statistic is that most users spend approximately 6.44 seconds on the navigation menu. I. t means your site's navigation menu must be straightforward regarding the practical design that offers a smooth usage experience. Thus, a well-designed navigation menu can potently scammers prove your website's efficiency.
  • An average user spends at least 54 seconds on a single webpage. This statistic is important to engage the target audience. Also, it's imperative to keep in mind when creating a client-side custom web development strategy efficiently.

Takeaway: Users do have some expectations from your website to perform efficiently and smoothly. As an enterprise, you should be concerned about your website's design and functional effectiveness to ensure a hassle-free navigational flow. 

How Investing In Website Design Is Important for Business?

From the above-discussed website design statistics, we've already made our point about why you should care about good design. How does your efficient website design impact your customers? Now, let's look at some more critical things about the design factor.

1. Create a positive first impression

As we have already mentioned, how the first impression of your website can make users stay or leave. Your website's first look and feel gives users an accurate brand impression. They can judge your site within the first few fractions of seconds. You must create an impact with the correct design elements, colors, and layout allocation in the initial seconds.

Remember that even the slightest unappealing or cluttered design can distract users from your site. In such a case, they will not find your website appealing. And even leave behind the brand's trust factor.

Therefore, your website design directly impacts the audience to understand more about your brand and its offerings.

2. Generate a lasting trust factor

We live in an age where billions of websites are available on interest. But not all can be trusted. Even the digital ecosystem is filled with fraudsters and scammers' websites that are not trustworthy enough for users. However, fraudulent sites do not pay much heed to intricate design elements. And to identify such sites is essential and strictly based on sound design.

It implies your strategically designed website has the potential to generate a lasting trust factor. Your website will have proper visual elements and navigational flow to separate your class from others. Most importantly, sophisticated design components allow users to visit your site and trust enough to purchase or book a service.

3. Attractively designed website is a valuable investment

Believe it; a strategically designed website is a futuristic and valuable investment in your business. If you invest in reliable website designing services, you will get concrete returns sooner or later. It will be in terms of garnering maximum attention from target customers, increasing traffic, and conversion rate.

A fully-functional and visual business website can make you stand out from others. It further helps you provide substantial results for a long-lasting time.

Additional reasons to pay special attention to web design in 2023

  • Create a well-structured website that allows all sorts of users to access the same easily and comfortably.
  • Choose a particular font and brand-specific colors to deliver the right message to customers. It further helps in increasing the brand's recognition factor.
  • A clear, simple, and practical design allows customers to purchase from you, impacting the growing sales patterns.
  • A highly visited, well-designed website will help enhance your search engine optimization efforts.

4. Cutting-Edge Web Design Elements to Include

At this point, you must have an idea of website design relevancy and its role in digital business success. Certain trendy statistics website design can be incorporated to stand unique among your possible competitors. 

In this section, we will uncover five web design trends to follow. Also, get the same implemented with reliable web designing services.

1. Attractive Scrolling

Scrolling is a trendy-looking website design trend to follow in 2023 and grab users' attention. As per this feature, users can look at in-depth sections of the website, specifically images, videos, and content. Also, users can scroll through the media section, and with the help of this effect, the section creates an attractive illusion for their eyes. 

Attractive Scrolling

2. Adding dynamic & colorful cursors

Another creative way to increase web traffic and allow visitors to stay on your site is implementing dynamic cursors. This effect helps add different shapes, and colors, or even animate your website's cursor. Doing this will help provide different user experiences to visitors and engage better with the website. 

Adding dynamic & colorful cursors

3. Content loading design techniques

Several content-rich and resource-filled websites have much information for users. Including resource elements might reduce the website's loading speed, which is not well for a lasting user experience.

The solution lies in increasing webpage speed and adding content-loading design techniques. From the design perspective, it could be adding a scrolling sign, lazy loading, or any other creative aspect. Adding any of such design elements and statistics website design can make your site competitive and increase the engagement rate. 

Content loading design techniques

4. Kinetic Typography

Moving text or kinetic typography is another design-specific animation technique to implement in a website. As the name implies, techniques help your text move and change at the required speed. You can use it to grab users' attention and allow them to spend some time. 

One of the effective ways of using kinetic typography is harnessing its creativity on headers, titles, banner text, etc. 

Kinetic Typography

5. Micro-interactions

Adding small animations to icons can create a subtle effect. Micro-interactions are one such website designing technique that helps change the color and size of icons. The same experiment can be made on header texts and other bold content to highlight important parts of your website. Moreover, utilize the same on CTA buttons while allowing users to click on the same. 


Three Inspirational Web Designs to Follow

Great business ideas sometimes come from popular and leading brands. Some of the best digital brands have used web designing services best. You can follow such brand websites to know what's trending and what you are missing. Thus, it will help you stay ahead and become another inspiring brand for others. 

Here are examples of five popular companies prioritizing the web design factor. And responsible for adding inputs to website design statistics successfully. 

1. Dropbox


As you know, Dropbox is a cloud-based file storage and storage website and application. The brand has played its part on the design front successfully. If you access the platform, you will learn some interesting design details like the ones mentioned below.

  • First of all, Dropbox's website has eye-catchy geometrical shaped designs with animated effects.
  • Simple & effective eye-catchy taglines & CTA buttons placed correctly.
  • The color of the CTA buttons matches the brand's perspective.
  • Easy to find options for users on the homepage
  • Clear guide with design & content as to what to do next on the website.
  • Interactive videos for the best understanding of the service 
  • Best use of animation for accessing the service. 

2. Airbnb


Most people are familiar with the premium hospitality brand Airbnb. A famous rental accommodation company is known for its budget-friendly to premium-level properties. Attention-grabbing design and selecting destination images are other engaging site features.

  • First view of luxurious-looking rooms on the homepage.
  • Incredible room location option on the menu bar.
  • The simple context for making services easy to understand.
  • User-centric web design components for making quick booking decisions.

3. IBM


The world's leading multinational company, does not require any introduction. Still, it counts on practical web design elements. The leading tech company has website that showcases futuristic technology in its design. The immersive website has added incredible web design statistics and design components. Some of these are mentioned below will be helpful when deciding how to develop a web page.

  • Amazing combination of blue and black colors.
  • Visual storytelling effect with the help of AI technology.
  • Engaging addition of video showcasing the amalgamation of human life, technology, and ecosystem.
  • Human-centric images appeal across sections.


1. What is the one best website design trend for 2023?

In 2023, the ideal trend for website design revolves around creating a visually clean and simplified interface that focuses on minimalistic design elements while prioritizing utmost clarity. This design approach ensures an enhanced user experience by eliminating unnecessary clutter and distractions. By developing a website that strategically incorporates the required design components, users can easily navigate and comprehend the content, leading to a seamless and enjoyable browsing experience.

2. Is there a specific web design technology to follow?

No, you have many website design technologies in the digital ecosystem. Tailor your collaboration with experts to seamlessly integrate and personalize design elements, perfectly aligned with your unique vision and goals, to best meet your business requirements. With their guidance, you can create a unique and captivating website that resonates with your target audience and drives success in the online space. So, take advantage of the endless possibilities of website design statistics and unleash your creativity to craft a remarkable digital presence!

3. How long does it take to design a website?

The duration required to design a particular website varies, depending on the business requirements. This includes factors such as the complexity of design challenges, the formulation of effective strategies, and the determination of the desired functionalities. By engaging in thorough discussions and analysis, a realistic timeline can be established to ensure the successful completion of the website design project.

4. How much does it cost to design a website?

The cost of designing a website differs based on your specific needs and requirements. It's usually more affordable for small-scale businesses, while medium-sized companies may expect a moderate price range. On the other hand, large-scale enterprises may have more complex website requirements, resulting in a higher overall cost. Properly evaluating your business requirements and allocating a suitable budget is imperative. This will guarantee a well-crafted website that aligns seamlessly with your goals and effectively caters to your target audience's needs.


Keep a close watch over web design statistics in 2023 and years ahead to stay updated. Follow the business trends by adding relevant & necessary design components. You can extend your marketplace and profit ratio by concentrating on web design.

Create or update your business website with the assistance of an expert website designing company. Get started and discuss your requirements first to finalize the design factors. And then implement successfully to witness growing business ahead—that, too, without investing much.

If you want to design your website per the market standards, or worried about how to develop a web page, please contact the experts. Discuss your need to find a viable solution and make your website attractive, unique, and impressive.

Looking to Create a Custom Website?

  • Well-optimized landing pages
  • Strong & visible CTA
  • An intuitive website layout

JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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Simon Martinez

“Great post! These statistics really emphasize the importance of thoughtful website design.


Anderson Barnes

You’ve presented website design statistics in a clear and visually appealing manner.


Tobias Scott

Your blog offers a wealth of informative content on website design statistics, making it a valuable resource for designers and businesses.


Cruz Peterson

Thank you for sharing these insightful website design statistics. It’s fascinating to see how design trends and user preferences have evolved over time. This data is invaluable for businesses looking to stay competitive online.


Aidan Johnson

Your blog is a valuable resource for anyone involved in web design, development, or digital marketing.

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