7 Steps To Achieve The Best Results In Website Redesign (a step-by-step guide)


27 May, 2024



Do you know, 75% of the people decide the credibility of any online business based on its website design? So how can a website gain that credibility if the website is an outdated one.

Outdated websites with poor navigational experience and cluttered designs can make the search engines, as well as users, take a switch. Thus, to attract the search engine crawlers and users, websites at some point require timely redesigning. But Why? Simply, to gain an edge over competitors, embark on potential business and maintain a continual brand awareness.

Re-building or redesigning a website with artists of a website revamp services as per the latest wave of trends, can majorly help with these:

  • Quickly boost to the website traffic
  • Rank the website in the top of SERPs
  • Bag quality-led & convertible leads
  • Create a remarkable online presence
  • And save the business from ever reaching a plateau…

Owning a website isn’t just enough in time like today. As there are 1.6 billion websites on the world wide web today and only some out of it get to skyrocket their business. What do you think these top-ranked websites do? They just make pace with change. They evolve with time and improvise their web spaces and overall web presence.

You may say “ your website is beyond perfect” but it looks like your high bounce rates & poor conversions aren’t correlating with your statement.

Let’s help you understand how redesigning a website with artists of website redesign services can clearly help. By taking an example of Mrs. Susan Grant...

So once there was Mrs. Susan Grant who had an offline boutique, selling some vintage fashion. With waves of digitalization, she decided to jump her store on the online front. Though now she had a website, years passed by, but her business wasn’t progressing anywhere. She thought that having a website is just enough to target the far-flung audience & bring revenue. But on looking at her website, users could find:

  • A website that looked inactive as the content was outdated
  • The designs were somewhat boring and too much flashy
  • The checkout process seemed very tedious to perform
  • The loading speed of the website was too slow as an ant speed
  • The multimedia used was too much confusing
  • There was no inter-connectivity between the website features

Susan disappointed with the declining business, approached designers of the website revamp services. There, she got to learn that her website was in serious need of website re-building. Otherwise, she would keep on losing the potential business.

Thus, Susan decided to work on rebuilding her website and planned for it in the following way…

7 ultimate steps to plan and action on website redesigning

7 ultimate steps to plan and action on website redesigning

#Step1: You need to take a tour of your existing website

Before considering the redesigning part, you need to sit and cautiously evaluate your existing site.

  • Understand what you like and what you dislike about your website from the users’ point of view.
  • Discover what areas, features, elements are having gaps & needs tough cementing.
  • Check the performance of the website in terms of visitors’ retention rate and the search engine rankings.
  • Ask peers on what specific elements are of great distaste to them.

By contemplating on your website’s current health, you will know from where and how to start.

#Step2: Identity what end goals you have from your website

Your goals from the website can be as minimum as “one” or as maximum as “infinity”. Once you know what end goals you ought to score, the better you’ll be able to treat your website redesigning process.

Identify Goals OF Your Website

So your goals can be like “one of these’ or “all of these”:

  • Increasing lead generation or sales number from the website
  • Reducing customer services request
  • Decreasing bounce rates and increase the retention rate of the users
  • Having at least 20 queries or quote request at the end of the day
  • To just foster education or information resonating to pain points of the audience
  • To deliver a smooth product buying journey
  • Have at least 30 backlinks on the website

Your goals could be any or as limitless as you want. When you are aware of your website goals on fingertips, you can easily re-shape your website based on them. Like if the aim is imparting only education to the audience, you will work on content vitality & placement. While if your aim is smooth buying journey, you’ll work on redefining your checkout process.

Now you see, when you are sure of your goals, you are better able to act on your website transitioning.

#Step3: Create a roadmap on how to bring in the desired changes

Here you need to decide & map out ultimate action that you need to put through. Chalk out every pain-point of your website, followed by a number of actions that could be done to heal that pain-point.

For instance: Pain-point number 1: Observing huge bounce rates…

Actions that could be taken in support of the above pain point -

  • Maybe by putting more readable fonts or content
  • Placing elements like ads, pop-ups wisely
  • Putting less focus on the multimedia that’s taking the massive amount to load
  • Removing the vague elements and putting the web copy as precise
  • Creating a well-managed path for users navigation
  • And so many other things could be added to the action list…

By preparing a roadmap or a clear-to-action list, you will have an easy time in incorporating or bringing those desired changes. This way, your partnering designer mates will know - what, where and how exactly they need to tweak the website.

#Step 4: Implement the process guided in the action list

process the action list

Once you are sure of the actions, start implementing them to the website with the professionals of website redesign services:

  • Take it all one by one, if possible, try to multivariate each input. This way you will be able to select the best one out of many. Like if you are experimenting with the website theme, multivariate them. This will help you choose the best from the pool.
  • Don’t throw away the unused inputs as they might come handy in the future.
  • Make sure your designers are using the best web designing practices to bring in the results. The tools, software or methods they are using are top-notch.

#Step 5: Bring your redesigned website out to the world

Voila! Now you are done with the re-designing part, publish and let your designs flaunt and attract visitors in huge numbers.

Publish redesign website

Bring every change or modification done to the website in functioning for the audience viewing and final use.

But wait! Implementing the designs doesn’t mean your work is over.

#Step 6: You are not done yet. Hello, the analyzing part?

So you have revamped your website for a purpose, isn’t so? If you won’t hang in there to analyze your outcomes --- how would you know if you have actually treated those pain-points or not?

Analyzing your outcome

So don’t haste and get happy with the designs just yet. Put your analytics on fire. And identify whether your website is now able to fix those issues or not.

Give your website some time and check its upbeat performance. Find out if your website is now able to bypass those bounce rates or slow loading pages or not.

And if you feel someway your website is still not coping with the done changes, there you may have to put some additional help in use...

#Step 7: You might need to place some additional strategies to boost great results

You might end up with a situation, where you may not observe some dramatic results at the end of your website transition (and that’s normal to have).

Additional Strategies to boost great results

There are website redesign services that offer the complete digital marketing suite as well. Find out if your ones do that or not.

Though now your website might be looking competent to your contemporary websites, it might be failing on the marketing front.

Ask your web designing agencies to endow your website with some workable marketing strategies as well. Ask them to put competent SEO and content marketing practices at play. To give your website a great jump on search engines and in users’ findings.

No matter how great looking website you have re-designed, if it’s not getting a medium to reach the potential market --- all your efforts are definite to go in vain.

Thus, redesigns + marketing efforts are key to empowering results.

These were the 6 powerful steps you need to implement in your website re-building journey. All right from ideating to implementing to exploring the ultimate results.

Bonus section begins for the website redesigning onlookers. In the remaining half of the post, you’ll come across some must-have features. That audience loves exploring throughout the website. And you can plan to infuse it in your website at ease.

8 Crucial must-haves elements to consider during your website redesigning journey

You can bring dramatic results on your website by definitely considering these elements with a website revamp services artists…

1. Don’t forget to put in Smart Forms

To ease out the user to customer journey over the website, embed smart customer information forms. That could easily & automatically retract the audience information.

Must have filled those customer forms, where you need to put in a variable like - an email address or any contact info, and the input (you are going to put) automatically appears.

Putting in smart customer information forms will help your users save time & keep on holding to the website interest.

2. Put Up Navigable Internal Site Search

Do you know 59% of site visitors use the website’s internal search widget to navigate or access different web pages?

  • Thus make sure the internal search widget you are placing is intuitive.
  • It should pre-populate the input or keyword the user is looking for.

It’s important as 15% of users take the help of advanced search features over the hierarchical menu that’s intact in one single place.

Design this element in the most innovative way to save your user’s interest from fading.

3. Prepare the Checkout Process that’s Easy to Use

checkout process

  • To hold on to the attention of potential buyers, make your checkout processes as simple and efficient as possible.
  • You can choose to have a single page checkout forms as they are very quick and less time-consuming to complete.
  • If you are using checkout forms of lengthy & of multiple pages, chances are you are diving away your potential customers.

4. Integrate Website with the Social Media Fronts

Integrate of social media with website

By putting in efforts to integrate your website with social media fronts, you can add a touch of emotional appeal to your brand.

  • Every customer connecting with your brand wants to hear your brand story. They want to connect with you on every social media. To imbibe your thoughts, missions, and upcoming projects as up-close & personal. And to do so, they prefer social media platforms!
  • But if your website isn’t intertwined with social media links & plugins - how will they share your business on their social media networks?
  • To weave a stronger customer-brand story, connect your web pages with your social media profiles.

Putting in the social media buttons will help your brand reach wider in your customers’ social circles. This will help your website embark on remarkable traffic.

5. You Can’t Do Without FAQ Section


Every user before buying any product or availing any service has certain queries regarding the product/service’s credibility, use, application and more. To suffice those queries, put up an informational FAQ section on each product page. Covering every user-generated query.

  • By adding a resourceful question-answer section you will win all possible trust of your users.
  • Make sure the section is easy to go through. Infuse it with legible language, font and color scheme.

6. Place human touches to it - Customer Reviews!

Do you know 95% of would-be buyers prefer to have a look at past customers’ review on-site before buying any product?

customer reviews!

After all, it’s hard to put trust in random sellers these days. If you don’t want to count as a random or skeptical seller, make sure your website has some legitimate reviews/testimonials from customers end. Doing this will greatly add to your sales funnel.

7. Add a Wishlist, Favorites, Buy-later Section to your Site

Add a wishlist, sectionThe majority of times users love putting the products for buying later. Thus, they anticipate every product-offering website to have at least one element from either “wishlist, favorites or buy later”. Where they could store their choices safely and come back somewhere in the future with a mind to buy it.

It is being found out that having a wishlist can help in driving open-rates as high as 80%.

eCommerce sites that fail to include this feature in their design might have to compromise with heavy revenue figures.

8. Put up a “You might like this” section too

Create a section on your website where you could pique your customers towards their “preferred products” (by accessing their past purchases). By installing a “you might like this” section on your website - you’ll keep users hooked & maybe prompt them to buy the other suggested products.

This way, you will experience more upsell in your business.

So these were the few elements that you can consider while rebuilding your website. You may find these as just some, for more, you can always take suggestions from your off-shore designing agency. And keep on experimenting as long as you don’t reach your targeted results.


Website redesigning is a complicated and thoughtful process. Which needs conscious efforts to cultivate the desired results.

In the era of modern customers, your website can’t afford to be on an island. It needs to be right there on the field, in a way that meets the expectations of virtual readers & search engines. Thus, timely transformation is the key to keep fighting hard in the virtual race (hope you are not here to just survive).

To help you stop grinding hard on understanding from “what, where and how” to take the journey. We with the above managed to explain to you what possible steps you need to take during your website re-building journey. Along with the list of some empowering elements that are sure shot to give your website an edge over contemporaries.

Finding it hard to accelerate business with your existing website? Don’t worry, JanBask Digital Designs as your modern website redesign services provider --- is here at your escape. We will help in transitioning your “obsolete” website into a “completely fresh one”. By putting our best-in-house strategies and resources at play.

Failing to cope with the latest website designing benchmarks? Come we have some cool ideas for your website!

Looking for Redesign your Website?
  • Increase Traffic & Sales
  • Enhance Brand Credibility & Trust
  • Capture your Customers’ Attention
  • Superior UX

JanBask - Author

A Specialized Team for custom web solutions for your business through Web Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing Services such as SEO, Social Media Marketing.

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